Top 5 Thermostat Problems that are Making a Big Hole in Your Pocket

Keeping your home or office space at the right temperature while also ensuring energy savings is a delicate science. But often, building owners fail to realize that they are losing a lot of money because they aren’t adept at this science of temperature management. In particular, they may not know how to best set the temperature in their HVAC device for different times of year, which can lead to thermostat problems and extra HVAC costs.

Thermostat Problems Costing You on Energy Bills

At Galmiche & Sons, we have immense experience with HVAC maintenance and repairs. If you are experiencing problems with your HVAC system, we can diagnose what the issue is and help you address any thermostat problems.

Critical HVAC Thermostat Problems that Could Be Costing You

Some of the most common thermostat problems that we encounter are related to thermostat settings and control. These issues usually have simple fixes that can help you save big on energy costs. Common problems include:

1. Not Changing the Temperature Based On the Season/Weather
Some people keep their thermostats at a consistent temperature, irrespective of the season. This can result in a lot of energy wastage, as your thermostat will not lower your furnace temperature when you don’t require as much heating, for example, during warmer spring days. This can end up costing you a lot annually.

2. Turning the Heat Off When You are Out
You might be thinking that you are being ecologically conscious when you switch off the furnace before you leave the house. But while your furnace is off, your home starts to cool. When you return and turn the heat up once again, your furnace will have to heat up the chilled air inside. This can overwork your heater/furnace and result in extra energy usage than what would be required for normal heating.

3. Turning the Thermostat to Its Highest Temperature to Speed Up Heating
Some people have the misconception that if the thermostat is kept low, it means the heating will be slow; also that if it is kept high, heating will be fast. So, they tend to turn their thermostat all the way up to ensure fast heating. However, such thermostat problems can actually result in unnecessary energy waste and high expenses.

The truth is, your furnace will continue to heat your property at the same rate, irrespective of how high or low the thermostat level is. To avoid problems in the thermostat, it is best if you install a programmable thermostat and program it to control your furnace temperature automatically to your schedule. This way, the temperature can automatically adjust to warmer or cooler as you like it.

4. Not Cleaning Dirt and Debris Coating the Thermostat
Even if you have a programmable thermostat, the device needs to be able to sense the changes in temperature to control your heating device. But, one of the biggest thermostat problems that prevent this is dirt.

Dust and dirt can coat the thermostat and prevent it from working efficiently and result in huge heating bills. Just brushing the dirt off can allow the thermostat to return to its normal efficiency in no time.

5. Forgetting to Recalibrate Your Thermostat
Over time, thermostats tend to lose their calibration. This is a normal sign of a device that is aging and experiencing wear and tear. But if you forget to recalibrate the thermostat, it may fail to control heating and cooling in the right way. This can result in a lot of energy usage and unnecessary expenses – both of which can be avoided by regular recalibration. You should do this especially if your thermostat is old.

Trust Galmiche & Sons to Sort Out Your Thermostat Problems

Thermostat Problems that are Costing You

Don’t make the mistake of letting a dirty, faulty, or un-calibrated thermostat cost you big bucks. Contact our team at Galmiche & Sons for help fixing problems in the thermostat. We are experts in commercial HVAC and residential HVAC serving St. Louis and the surrounding areas. We will be able to examine your heating system, identify why your thermostat is not working as it should, and fix these thermostat problems.

Speak to our heating & air conditioning experts today about your thermostat problems and to schedule a property visit.

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