What is the Best Thermostat Placement for Your Home?

Best Thermostat Placement

You may not think that thermostat placement matters all that much as far as air conditioner functioning goes, but it does! Improper thermostat placement can cause all kinds of issues with your heating and cooling, and it is possible that — if left untreated — these problems could cause damage to your HVAC system as well. Plus, having a thermostat that reads the wrong temperature can be annoying to deal with, leaving you adjusting all the time, rather than sitting back and enjoying your air conditioned space.

In order to keep your heating & air conditioning working well, make sure your thermostat is placed properly and working correctly. If you are unsure where that is, give us a call in St. Louis, today!

Why Placement Matters

There are a lot of reasons why your thermostat might be reading the wrong temperature. From issues with the sensors inside to particular smart thermostat problems, it could be a variety of problems. One underappreciated reason for this problem though is bad thermostat placement. Your thermostat is affected by the air around it, so thermostat placement in an especially hot or cold area of the house can lead to issues. It might be that your thermostat is reading the right temperature — for the room it is in, but this does not always reflect the overall temperature in the home.

Improper thermostat placement like this can cause bigger issues for your air conditioner as well. If your thermostat thinks your home is much hotter than it is, for instance, your AC will be working harder to try and reach a temperature far below what you’ve set. This overwork and constant running can wear out the motor in your air conditioner, as well as other parts. It is important to get thermostat placement right and avoid these issues.

Common Thermostat Placement Issues

Common Thermostat Placement Problems

Both temperature and humidity can affect the functioning of your thermostat. So there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the best placement. You want to avoid hotter areas of the house, like the kitchen, as well as very humid areas, such as bathrooms, etc. One rule of thumb for good thermostat placement is that you want it as close to the center of the home as possible. For two-story houses, higher up on the first floor is a good place for a thermostat. Keep in mind that heat rises, and your second floor may be hotter than the rest of the house. This means it is usually a bad idea to place a thermostat on that level.

A final tip for good thermostat placement is to put it in a hallway if you can. Hallways do not closed off like many rooms, and tend to represent the overall temperature in the house well. Of course, you want to avoid areas that experience heavy traffic or are hard to reach, as this can increase the likelihood of accidental setting changes or make it hard to access your thermostat. With all this in mind, you should be well equipped for good thermostat placement.

Learn More About the Best Thermostat Placement

If you still need assistance or want to get a professional opinion on your thermostat placement, in St. Louis and the surrounding areas, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today!

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