How to Know if Your Thermostat is Reading the Wrong Temperature

How to Know if Your Thermostat is Reading the Wrong Temperature

There are a lot of reasons why your thermostat might be reading the wrong temperature, from electrical issues to dirty air filters, and more. The first step to fixing these though, is to determine if your thermostat really is reading the wrong temperature to begin with. From there, you can try a few quick fixes, which might solve the problem for you. Or, in St. Louis you can contact the heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons to get a closer look at the problem.

Use Your Instincts

It might seem silly, but one of the best ways to tell if your thermostat is reading the wrong temperature is to compare what it reads to what you are feeling. Does it feel a lot hotter or cooler than what is indicated? You are probably right that there is a problem. If you are not sure though, you can also determine if your thermostat is reading the wrong temperature by holding a thermometer up near the thermostat. If they do not give the same reading, you know you have a problem.

It might be the case as well that your thermostat is not reading the wrong temperature but simply is not placed in an appropriate location. Some areas will be hotter or cooler in your home, and if your thermostat is placed in one of these areas, it may be reading the right temperature but still sending the wrong signals to your HVAC system.

The thermometer trick can also be important if you have a smart thermostat and run into one of the more common smart thermostat problems, which is that they do not always display the temperature in the room in addition to the target temperature. This is less a matter of the thermostat reading the wrong temperature, so much as not reading at all. In any case, you can solve this problem with a separate thermometer as well.

Why Your Thermostat Is Reading the Wrong Temperature

Once you have determined that your thermostat is reading the wrong temperature, you can check for a few common causes of this issue. First, replace the batteries in your thermostat as this is the easiest fix. Then, you should check that your thermostat is level and that all parts of your HVAC system are clean. In particular, look out for dirty air filters, which can be the cause of your thermostat reading the wrong temperature.

Regular air conditioner servicing visits should include a check of your thermostat’s wiring and functionality and can help you find and fix any issues before they get worse. Your HVAC professionals can also help you find out what is wrong if your thermostat is reading the wrong temperature and the issue does not appear to be a problem with the location, dirty air filters, or low batteries. It might be a wiring problem, or something more seriously wrong with your HVAC system as a whole.

Learn More About Getting Help With Thermostat Issues

Thermostat is Reading the Wrong Temperature

If you determine that your thermostat is reading the wrong temperature, and none of these tips seem to be working, it is time to contact your heating & air conditioning service team and make sure you don’t have a more serious issue with the wiring or other parts of your HVAC system. In the greater St. Louis area, give us a call today so we can help solve the problem!

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