5 Top Reasons to Upgrade Your Commercial HVAC System

Commercial HVAC System

Many of the millions of commercial buildings in use today have been around for quite a long time. Unlike their newer counterparts, they may not be outfitted with the most up-to-date commercial HVAC system technology resulting in higher energy consumption, reduced comfort, and more.

Here at Galmiche & Sons, we have put together a list of the top six reasons why you should ditch the outdated tech and should consider upgrading your commercial HVAC system.

1. Your Existing Commercial HVAC System is Nearing the End of Its Lifespan

If you have been noticing lower efficiently and overall poor performance, it could be because your old commercial HVAC system installed in the 90’s or before is finally coming to the end of its life. In addition to decreased efficiency, you may find that your system requires more maintenance to keep up with the required workload. There have been huge advances in commercial HVAC in recent years, and it may be time to reap the benefits of an upgraded system.

2. Building Renovations or Add-Ons

If you are adding on or renovating your existing space, you will want to call in a commercial HVAC system expert as part of the process to redo load calculations to ensure ventilation requirements are met. Oftentimes with building add-ons you will find that an expansion of the HVAC system is needed. Be sure to consult with expert system engineers and technicians to ensure any new equipment is properly sized for the new area.

3. Accomodate Increased Occupancy and Specific Building Needs

Whenever you have an increase in occupancy or equipment in your building, you may need to consider upgrading the commercial HVAC system in order to keep everyone comfortable, healthy, and productive. Also, special equipment such as IT equipment can require certain climates and temperatures in order to operate properly, so your HVAC system may need to be upgraded to accommodate this.

4. Improve Energy Efficiency

Commercial HVAC System Replacement in St. Louis

If you have looked at your electricity bill, you already know that a large part – about 40% – of your expenses go towards heating and cooling. Like any business, you are probably always looking for ways to cut costs and reduce expenses, but you may not have considered your commercial HVAC system. Your heating and cooling bill, while being one of your highest, is also one of your most controllable. Upgrading your system could mean big savings over the next many years! You may also be surprised to know that your local utility company is probably offering rebates and subsidies to help facilitate the purchase of higher efficiency commercial HVAC systems.

5. Improve Indoor Air Quality

While we mainly think of our commercial HVAC systems as the reason we stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, do not forget the additional health benefits the system provides as well! Proper ventilation and filtration facilitates a healthy work environment, preventing productivity-reducing illness and absenteeism.

Learn More About Upgrading Your Commercial HVAC System

If you think you may be ready to upgrade your business’ HVAC system, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today! With our 60+ years of experience in the industry, we can help you assess the situation and identify the HVAC system that is right for your commercial building’s unique needs.

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