New Thermostat Features to Improve Comfort and HVAC Performance

New Thermostat Features to Improve Comfort and HVAC Performance

Smart thermostats are quickly becoming mainstream today. They offer a host of new and advanced features that boost your HVAC performance and make your home more comfortable. If you are planning to buy a new thermostat, then knowing about the latest thermostat features can help you make the right choice.

In this article, we will walk you through some new thermostat features offered by a smart thermostat that improve comfort and HVAC performance. Read on to learn more.

For help selecting the best smart thermostat for your home that offers all of the latest features you could want, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today!

The 4 New Thermostat Features You Should Know About

  • Proximity Sensor: Most modern-day smart thermostats have a proximity sensor that enables the screen to turn on/ off depending on when someone approaches or goes away from it. If your thermostat has a proximity sensor, the screen will brighten as you come near it. It will go dim once you walk away. The proximity sensor is an excellent feature that ensures you won’t have to stumble in the dark while trying to locate the thermostat, and also saves energy, letting your thermostat display fade out of view when not needed.
  • Efficient Energy Tracking with Real-Time Reports: Another new feature that can enhance the overall performance of your HVAC system and help you reduce your utility bill is energy tracking. The thermostat will monitor the energy usage required to heat and cool different parts of your house and give real-time reports through the mobile app. Based on those reports, you can adjust the temperature of different rooms in your house and reduce unnecessary energy consumption.
  • Geofencing: The geofencing feature works with the thermostat’s mobile application. A geofence is just like an electronic boundary that is created around your home. As soon as you move out of that boundary, the thermostat application will automatically turn the thermostat on/ off depending on the settings. It is an excellent feature that will ensure you never forget to turn off your thermostat while leaving the home for work or vacation.
  • Room Sensors: The main purpose of a thermostat is to sense and monitor the temperature of the air immediately surrounding it. Thus, if you have only one thermostat, it will only be able to sense the temperature of the air in that space and not the entire house. Thus, if you have a large home, it can leave certain parts uncomfortable. The new smart room sensor features help in resolving this problem effectively. It can allow the thermostat to monitor the temperature throughout your house. Thus, it ensures that the entire home is evenly heated or cooled.

Reach Out to Galmiche & Sons to Learn More About Smart Thermostats or Get Help Choosing the Best Option

WiFi Thermostat Features to Improve Comfort and HVAC Performance

If you are a St. Louis homeowner and this article has made you curious to learn more about smart thermostats or you are looking for top-notch HVAC services, we can help you!

Founded in 1950, Galmiche & Sons is one of the top companies offering heating and cooling services in St. Louis. If you are experiencing any heating/ cooling-related issues, or want to know more about smart thermostat features and get help selecting the best new thermostat for your home, feel free to contact us online or call us at 314-993-1110!

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