Why You Need Spring Heat Pump Maintenance

Heat Pump Maintenance Tips

Heat pump maintenance is crucial to keeping your unit running efficiently and should be carried out regularly. Heat pumps work all year through. They provide both the heating & cooling aspects of your home, and as such, you need them in great working condition at every turn. Spring heat pump maintenance is especially necessary to ready the pump for the oncoming summer. In this article, we will highlight why spring heat pump maintenance should be a priority.

While you can carry out a maintenance check on your own, you will likely need to bring in the professionals at some point. In the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons is exactly what your heating & air conditioning unit needs. Call us at 314-993-1110 to schedule a professional maintenance check today.

The Importance of Spring Heat Pump Maintenance

Spring Heat Pump Maintenance

Heat pump maintenance in the spring is especially necessary for the following reasons:

  • Energy Efficiency– Given that a heat pump works throughout the year, regular maintenance is important. This will help you avoid pricier repair costs due to larger damages as well as increase the heat pump’s efficiency.
  • Preparation for Summer– Because St. Louis summers can be hot and humid, you will want the cooling system in your house ready for summer. Heat pump maintenance during spring will help you make sure you are ready for the summer. Putting off maintenance until the summer starts could have you sweating the summer heat and waiting for a repair that cannot always be fixed right way due to a busier season.
  • Prolonged Lifespan– The lifespan of your heat pump will depend on a couple of factors. However, heat pump maintenance is one way to make sure the system serves you for as long as possible.

Steps You Should Take During Spring Heat Pump Maintenance

  • Wash the outdoor unit: It is important to pressure wash the outdoor unit during spring. This will help remove all the grime and dirt that has been collecting on the unit all through winter. Having a clean system will reduce your energy bills as well as prevent any damages to the system.
  • Check your filter: Replacing your filters should be a part of your heat pump maintenance routine. Air filters get clogged up depending on how often the system is used. Given that heat pumps are used all year round, the filters accumulate dirt and get clogged up much faster. When carrying out your maintenance check, check and replace the filter if need be.
  • Get a professional maintenance check: This should be done at least annually. If you haven’t had a professional maintenance check, it may be best to do so during your spring heat pump maintenance routine. The great thing about doing so during spring is that you have enough time to make any repairs or replacements before you need to use the pump to cool your home during the summer.

Schedule Professional Heat Pump Maintenance Today

You certainly want to make sure your heat pump is ready for the summer. If you have already taken the DIY steps, it is time to get a professional check. In St. Louis, call Galmiche & Sons today at 314-991-1110 and we will take care of all your heating & air conditioning needs.

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