What is a Mini-Split System?

Mini-Split System | St. Louis HVAC

Nowadays there are many different options when it comes to home air conditioning systems, and many people are looking at the more affordable and efficient options of using a mini-split system either in addition to or in place of traditional whole home air conditioners. These are ductless systems that have all the benefits without the hassle that a ducted system would bring.

Read on to learn more or contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis to find out how a mini-split system can benefit you!

Mini-Split System Benefits

A ductless mini-split system is comprised of an outdoor and indoor unit that work together to heat and cool your home. These systems can be placed in a number of areas throughout the home to add improved comfort to an area that is lacking or, when multiple units are used, as an efficient way to ensure comfort throughout the home. Mini-split systems offer many benefits without some of the issues and concerns associated with ducted HVAC systems.

Benefits of a Mini-Split System in St. Louis

For example, ducted systems can accumulate dust and debris within the ducts themselves. This can lead to interrupted airflow and the higher risk of airborne illnesses being caught by family members.

Additionally, as many of these mini-split units are operated by remote control, you can set the temperature independently for different rooms and use timers as needed for different areas of the home. Air flow can also be manipulated to provide the maximum amount of comfort.

Some main benefits of ductless mini-split systems include:

  • Multiple Operating Modes: There are increased benefits of mini-split systems over more conventional units as you can also humidify or dehumidify specific rooms rather than just heating or cooling. There are also fan-only and automatic sleep functions as additional options.
  • Energy Efficiency: A ducted system can lose 30% of its effectiveness due to faulty construction and leaky air ducts. This in turn leads to much higher utility bills and inconsistent heating throughout the rooms of your home. As these ductless systems can be fitted room by room, you have much greater control of your living environment and your bills.
  • Air Quality: Mini-Split Systems vastly improve your home’s air quality. You will no longer have to worry about debris accumulating in ducts that can create areas where mold can grow. Once these old ducts have been removed, your home will become cleaner and healthier overall. Additionally, most of the major components which require routine maintenance and cleaning are located outside in more convenient to access areas.
  • 21st Century Heating and Cooling: Mini-split systems provide more overall benefits when compared to other types of HVAC systems as well, such as higher energy efficiency and silent operation. They also provide auto re-start in case you have a power outage. Additionally, they can provide all-year-round cooling and heating. This provides a more economical way of maintaining the quality of air in your home and make for a much more comfortable place to live.

Learn More About Mini-Split System Benefits

If you are looking for improved air quality, higher efficiency, and more consistent heating and cooling for your St. Louis area home or business, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today to learn more about mini-split systems! You can reach us online or give us a call at 314-993-1110.

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