Reasons to Consider Air Conditioner Replacement this Spring

Air Conditioner Replacement

If you think back to last summer and remember that your home was not as cool and comfortable as it should have been, you will probably remember telling yourself that it is time to get a new air conditioner. However, like many people, you may have put it off through the winter and now realize summer is just around the corner.

But, is this the right time for air conditioner replacement? The answer is “yes!” In fact, there are several reasons why spring is the best time to make that change. To learn more about what makes spring one of the best times for air conditioner replacement call us at (314) 993-1110 or use our online contact form to request a quote for your new HVAC system.

Save Money on Your Air Conditioner Replacement

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about air conditioner replacement? How much is it going to cost?

This is probably the best reason to make the change now. When replacing your air conditioner in the spring, you can work with a professional HVAC contractor and carefully plan your air conditioner replacement – instead of having to do it quickly, in an emergency when the old system stops doing its job.

Additionally, combining the upgrade/replacement of both your furnace and air conditioner at this same time during the spring is often recommended. These two systems should work together to make your home comfortable year round. Replacing only one part of the comfort system may mean having to redo some of the work if and when the second part needs to be replaced.

If cost is a major concern when it comes to air conditioner replacement, you should also consider that HVAC system manufacturers often offer special pricing and replacement programs in the springtime. Most homeowners do not think about air conditioning in March or early April, so manufacturers often present their best prices and rebate programs at that time to help stir up sales.

Additional Reasons for Air Conditioner Replacement in the Spring

Consider Air Conditioner Replacement this Spring

However, cost savings are just the beginning. Some other great reasons for air conditioner replacement now include:

  • Your family will not be as uncomfortable during the replacement process if you have a new system installed now, because you can often do without air conditioning during the nice spring weather.
  • Because HVAC systems are not working as hard at this time of year and there are not as many emergency calls, installers can be more flexible in planning for your project.
  • Many homeowners receive a tax refund in spring. Air conditioner replacement is a great way to invest the funds in your home.

Air Conditioner Replacement: Benefit from Newer, More Efficient Cooling this Summer

Some experts estimate that HVAC systems have a standard “life” of 12 to 15 years, though of course many systems continue to deliver much longer. However, new, more efficient systems can greatly reduce your energy costs. They remove humidity and heat better than most of the older systems. An HVAC professional can help you analyze your home and current system to determine just how much air conditioner replacement can benefit you.

At Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis, we offer some of the finest air conditioners and cooling systems available and we believe in the results we provide. We can help you consider your options and decided if air conditioner replacement is a wise investment for your home. Call us at (314) 993-1110 or contact us online for professional heating & air conditioning service.

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