Tips to Improve IAQ and Productivity this Winter Season

Improve IAQ in Your Office this Winter

The air we breathe has many effects on our health. We talk a lot about outdoor air quality and its negative impacts on our health and environment, but little do we hear about indoor air quality or IAQ. IAQ is simply how good or bad the air is inside a building. A building’s air filtration system is responsible for removing the tiny particles that can wreak havoc on its occupants. Sick days become more common, productivity is negatively affected, and health care costs go up. If you are an employer looking to ensure your employees are operating at optimal performance, consider the air quality. By keeping your building’s air filtration system up to par you can improve IAQ, which can:

  • make for better physical health of building occupants
  • increase productivity
  • influence positive mental health

As leading commercial HVAC experts serving the St. Louis area homes and businesses since 1950, Galmiche & Sons has tips to help you get going on the road to improving IAQ. If you have more IAQ questions, do not hesitate to call us to learn more about heating & air conditioning and air quality.

Improving IAQ is All About the Filter

Tips to Improve IAQ at Work

There are some key steps you can take to improve IAQ in your workplace or office building. These include:

  • Maintain a regular schedule to change the HVAC system’s air filter. The number one defense in preventing all those nasty airborne particles and pollutants like dust, dander, and allergens is making sure the system has a clean air filter. Know the manufacturer’s recommended schedule for replacing the air filter to keep IAQ at its best, but to improve IAQ also be sure you know how to install the filter correctly. Ensure that it is placed in the right direction, is tight in its rack and that there are no gaps between it and the frame so no unfiltered air can pass through.
  • Be more informed when you choose a filter to improve IAQ. People commonly buy filters just based on the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), but we suggest looking at the ASHRAE 52.2 Test Standard rating, which is a more thorough scale. The ASHRAE rates the filter’s efficiency according to the particle size it can block which is E1, E2, or E3. A high E1 rating means the filter can block the smallest of particles, 0.3-1.0 micrometers. The smaller the particle the easier it will get into the lungs causing health problems.
  • Take your filter to the next level for better IAQ. Filters can be designed to capture air particles by mechanical methods only or with an electrical charge that will improve the mechanical methods. We recommend a filter that has the electrical charge, as it will capture more particles, and if your goal is to improve IAQ, the more you capture the better your IAQ will be.

Contact Us for Commercial HVAC Services to Improve IAQ

Galmiche & Sons has been providing commercial HVAC system installation, repairs, and improvements in St. Louis since 1950. We would love to help you improve your commercial building’s heating & air conditioning system. If you have more questions about improving IAQ or system questions in general, please contact us online or by phone today.

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