5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Furnace

The average life expectancy of your furnace is about 15 to 20 years, according to the US Department of Energy. If you are like most people, however, you probably do not think about your furnace until it starts “telling you” it needs some attention. So, how do you know when it is time to replace your furnace? The following are some top signs that it may be time to replace your furnace. To learn more or to request a quote for your furnace replacement, contact Galmiche and Sons in St. Louis today!

Replace Your Furnace in St. Louis

1. Increased Gas and Electric Bills = It Might be Time to Replace Your Furnace

The older your furnace gets, the less efficient it becomes. This means it runs longer to heat your home than it would take a newer, more efficient furnace, resulting in higher energy bills. It is almost always more cost effective in the long run to replace your furnace once you start seeing reduced efficiency.

2. Your Home Becomes Dusty and Dry

Poor air filtration and a lack of humidity in the air can not only cause allergies and other myriad respiratory issues due to dust accumulation, but can also damage to your furniture and other belongings in your home. If you find yourself experiencing any of these, it may be time to replace or update your furnace.

3. Strange, Loud Noises Coming from Your Furnace

Signs you Need to Replace Your Furnace

When your furnace gets old or falls into disrepair, you may start to notice the blower turn off and on more frequently as it attempts to keep up with the heating demands of your house. This is one of the many signs that it is time to replace your furnace. Though there is a certain amount of ambient noise to be expected with any machinery, you should call an expert if you hear any of the following:

  • Squealing
  • Banging
  • Popping
  • Creaking
  • Rattling

4. Frequent Thermostat Adjustments

It is time to replace your furnace if you find that you are constantly fiddling with the thermostat to find a comfortable setting. Keeping the temperature at an unpleasant setting just to save energy is not only inconvenient, but a sign of your furnace being unable to properly distribute air throughout the house.

5. You Have Had Your Furnace Repaired More Than Once in the Last Two Years

Like any machine or appliance, you will find that the older your furnace gets, the more it will breakdown. Parts for older furnaces are harder to find, and therefore often much more expensive. Also, the hassle and costs from frequent repairs can really add up. At this point, it often becomes far more cost effective to replace your furnace.

Contact Us to Replace Your Furnace and Save Money!

In general, older furnaces (even if in relatively good working order) are far less efficient than their newer counterparts. If you have an older gas furnace with a pilot light, it is estimated that its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Rating (a measure of how efficient your furnace is at turning energy into heat) is only around 55-65%. Some newer models can get as high as 90%. This means that replacing your furnace could have immediate money-saving benefits right from the start.

If you are ready to replace your furnace with a newer, high-efficiency model, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today!

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