Use These HVAC Tips for a Warmer Winter

Winters are pleasant for a lot of reasons, from festive times and holidays to having fun in the snow. But, no matter how much you love the snow, we are sure you still want to be cozy and warm when you are inside. We recommend that every household should get their HVAC system cleaned and checked during fall, before winter sets in, and if you did, your HVAC system is probably working in perfect condition. But, did your HVAC contractor give you these important HVAC tips and tricks that can help you keep warm and save on energy bills too? We are guessing they did not. So here we are with these fail-proof HVAC tips that you need to know this winter.

HVAC Tips for a Warmer Winter

If you have not had your HVAC unit maintained or repaired this year, there is still time. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, call our heating and air conditioning experts at 314-993-1110.

HVAC Tips to Keep You Warmer

Here is how you can ensure that your HVAC system does not consume too much energy while also keeping you warm and comfortable.

  • Check for air leaks around the house: This is one of the most important HVAC tips. If the heat from inside your house escapes through gaps or leaks, your HVAC system will have to work harder to keep you warm. Not only will your home get cold faster, but your HVAC unit’s energy consumption will also increase drastically. So check for any leaks or gaps around your house, particularly in the doors and windows. If there are any, seal them with weather strips or caulking, wherever necessary.
  • Seal the fireplace: If you already have an HVAC system, you are most likely not using your gas or electric fireplace as often. The fireplace chimney provides an outlet for the warm air as well. So, it is best to close up the fireplace completely when not in use to prevent warm air from escaping your home. It will also prevent cold air drafts from outside entering your home.
  • Use the thermostat judiciously: It is tempting to set the temperature at a very high temperature during winters, but you do not really need that much heat. Also, setting the thermostat at a higher temperature does not make the furnace heat your home faster. It only unnecessarily increases the energy consumption and may damage the furnace too. Setting the thermostat at a reasonable temperature and allowing the furnace to work efficiently instead is an important HVAC tip for efficiency. It is best to start warming your home before you are back if you spend the day away from home. A programmable thermostat can turn on the furnace at a fixed time every day, so you do not have to enter a freezing house and wait for it to warm up.
  • Clean or replace the air filter: Another way to ensure efficient heating is by keeping the air filter clean. A dirty or clogged air filter can affect the air circulation through the HVAC system, making the system take much longer to heat up your home. Clean the air filter or replace it if necessary. This should ideally be done every year during the fall maintenance.
  • Get portable heaters for additional heating: If you need additional heating in some parts of your home, a portable space heater can do the trick. Say if you are living alone, and at bedtime only you need to heat up the bedroom, there is no point keeping the huge HVAC system cranked up all night. Use a portable room heater instead during such times. You will save on a lot of energy in doing so.

Hire an HVAC Contractor for Winter-Proofing Your Home

HVAC Tips for Keeping Warm

Winter is here, and with these HVAC tips, you are ready to brave the cold. If you still have not gotten your fall HVAC maintenance done though, it is high time. Hire a reliable HVAC contractor in St. Louis from Galmiche & Sons to get your HVAC unit cleaned and checked so that the rest of the winter goes comfortably for your family.

Galmiche & Sons has been serving St. Louis area residents and business owners with HVAC repairs and maintenance since 1950. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning experts to learn more about how we can help you.

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