Air Conditioning & Health: What You Need to Know About the Health Effects of Air Conditioning

Health Effects of Air Conditioning

We all know that air conditioning can help us feel a lot more comfortable at home or at work — especially during the hotter summer months. What about the health effects of air conditioning though? Is it healthier to be cooled all day? As it turns out, there are indeed some positive health effects of air conditioning, especially if your HVAC system is well maintained. On the other hand, without the right cleaning and maintenance, your heating & air conditioning system can contribute to health problems in sometimes subtle ways. In short, the air we breathe and live in has a big impact on health, so your air conditioning plays a sometimes surprisingly big role in health.

The Positive Health Effects of Air Conditioning

Maintaining a set air temperature is not just about comfort. In addition to making your home feel better, the right temperature can improve the health of people with certain conditions such as immune disorders and heart disease and can be used to counteract the symptoms of some conditions as well. Preventing overheating is important for the health of people with respiratory or heart problems, and this is just one of the important health effects of air conditioning.

A well-functioning HVAC system can also reduce the amount of mold, mildew, allergens, and other contaminants in your air. The health effects or air conditioning from this feature include easier breathing for people with asthma and other respiratory issues as well as reduced allergic reactions to mold or mildew. Plus, the filtering done by your HVAC system as well as the lowered overall temperature reduces the presence of bugs and parasites in your home too. Realizing these beneficial health effects of air conditioning does depend somewhat on air conditioner maintenance however.

What Can Go Wrong

Improper maintenance — and especially infrequent cleanings — can undermine these important health effects of air conditioning. For the highest indoor air quality possible, it is important to have your HVAC system maintained regularly and to keep it clean. One of the biggest health issues that can spring up with air conditioners is when the unit fails to dehumidify the air properly. Then, instead of reducing the amount of mold and mildew present, your AC system can spread these contaminants through ductwork and vents.

Negative Health Effects of Air Conditioning

On the other end of the spectrum, one of the potential adverse health effects of air conditioning is over drying of the sinuses, nasal passage, and skin. Dry skin is an issue many are familiar with, and the cracking and irritation can be troublesome to deal with. Dry nasal passages may be worse though, encouraging infection and leading to issues like a chronic cough.

Learn More About Maintaining a Healthy HVAC System and the Health Effects of Air Conditioning

Thankfully, these potential issues are easy to avoid. With the right attention and maintenance, you can realize all the good health effects of air conditioning without running into these problems. One key is to pay attention to the humidity. If it feels damp in your home, your heating & air conditioning system might not be dehumidifying the air properly. This can be an easy problem to fix, but if left unaddressed it can lead to some of the potential bad health effects of air conditioning. As long as you have your HVAC system maintained regularly, and replace air filters often, though, your AC should help keep you healthy.

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