Two Common Reasons for an AC Freezing Up

It may seem odd, but your AC freezing up is a fairly common problem to experience. Especially when your AC is running constantly, it can freeze up easily. Here are some of the common problems that may be responsible for your AC freezing up. To diagnose any of these issues with a professional service team, please get in touch with the St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today at (314) 993-1110.

Why Is My AC Freezing Up?

Reasons for an AC Freezing Up

So why is your AC freezing up? Usually, the culprit is one of two problems: insufficient airflow or a refrigerant leak. Both can be a problem, but airflow issues are much easier to troubleshoot and fix. A refrigerant leak requires professional help. Here are some common causes and solutions.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is what keeps your heating and air conditioning system working. In the summer, it travels through the coils in your air conditioner to cool the air. Low refrigerant levels can cause all sorts of problems, your AC freezing up is just one of them. So how can you tell if a refrigerant leak is the cause?

  • Troubleshooting – First, let’s look at how to tell if your AC is freezing up. It may turn off suddenly or turn off and back on quickly, depending on how much it has frozen. If you notice problems with your air conditioner, look at both the indoor and outdoor units. If you notice ice or buildup, your AC may be freezing up.
  • Solution – You should always get professional help if you suspect a refrigerant leak. If this is the reason for your AC freezing up, a professional HVAC technician can repair the leak, refill the refrigerant, and get your AC going again. Some air conditioners, however, may be too old to repair if they have refrigerant issues. Especially those that still use R-22 refrigerant.

Airflow Issues

Most of the time, however, your AC is freezing up as a result of low airflow. Without enough airflow, condensate will gather on the coils and start to freeze. So, if your AC is freezing up, a dirty air filter or blocked duct may be responsible.

  • Troubleshooting – The first thing to check in this case is the air filter. Simply replacing a dirty air filter can solve a lot of problems with your heating and cooling system, including this one. It is also important to get your ductwork inspected and cleaned regularly to prevent problems like this.
  • Solution – If you manage to correct an airflow problem, you can defrost your air conditioner by first turning the AC off. Then, turn on just the fan for 60 to 90 minutes. While the fan is going, replace the air filter to make sure this is not the problem. After this, you can turn the AC back on and it should continue to defrost smoothly.

Let Us Help You with an AC Freezing Up & Other HVAC Issues

Is Your AC Freezing Up

With any kind of HVAC issue, from your AC freezing up to big breakdowns or strange noises, consulting with an HVAC professional can help. Keep in mind that refrigerant issues should be handled by a professional service technician. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, in the greater St. Louis area, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning professionals from Galmiche & Sons at (314) 993-1110 for help.

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