Commercial HVAC FAQs

Commercial HVAC FAQs

At Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling, our mission is to provide our customers with top-notch commercial HVAC service. Part of that mission means providing you with the information you need regarding the commercial HVAC industry, and answering any questions you may have regarding your heating and cooling systems. We have provided you with some answers to commonly asked questions below. For more information or to schedule commercial HVAC service in the greater St. Louis area, contact us online or by phone today.

My company is looking to make our budget more efficient by cutting long-term costs. How can we incorporate our commercial HVAC system into this goal?

Your commercial HVAC system has a big impact on the efficiency of your entire building. The more efficiently your commercial HVAC system runs, the more money your company saves on reoccurring energy bills.

By keeping up with regular maintenance of your current system, our certified technicians can help make sure your system is running as effectively as possible. You may also want to consider having a newer, more energy efficient system installed depending on what you already have in place. If you are considering replacement, give Galmiche & Sons a call to see some of the best commercial HVAC system options St. Louis has to offer.

Does having a commercial HVAC system that may not exactly be sized for the building really make a difference?

Yes! Having a system that is either too small or too large can have significant impact on the heating and cooling of your building. If the commercial HVAC system is too small for the space, it may have trouble sufficiently getting the air throughout the building, and will find itself always running to try to keep up. With our chilly St. Louis winters and our sticky St. Louis summers, you will want to be sure this is not a problem!

Equally, if the commercial HVAC system is too big, you may find that the amount of moisture left in the air is not reduced well-enough, which will leave the air feeling uncomfortable and humid, despite the thermostat’s reading of the correct desired temperature. Further, excess moisture can lead to mold trouble.

Can a commercial HVAC system play a role in safeguarding against mold? If so, how?

While mold is an issue relative to the entire building and can have several causes, including leaking roofs or windows, a good commercial HVAC system can help regulate the amount of moisture that is kept in the air, and should be designed with St. Louis’ climate in mind. In other words, the system should take our humid St. Louis summers into consideration. An efficient and correctly installed commercial HVAC system should keep humidity and moisture levels within the ideal range year round.

Does our ductwork require regular inspection?

Commercial HVAC Tips & Questions

It is a good idea to have your commercial HVAC ductwork inspected regularly as leaks can prove costly. Things such as cracked or incorrectly sized ductwork and even dirt build up from the years of use, can end up costing more money over time because of the wasted energy.

Well designed and maintained ductwork should have no perforations, fit the system correctly, be piped in a straight-forward manner, and cause negligible noise into the space when air is pumping through. If you would like to learn more, give us a call, and we would be happy to have one of our trained technicians inspect your commercial HVAC ductwork to ensure proper design and efficiency.

Contact Us for More Answers to Your Commercial HVAC Questions

To learn more details about one of the topics above or for answers to your additional questions, call our St. Louis heating & air conditioning professionals a call at (314) 993-1110!

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