Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms with Humidifiers

Reduce Cold and Flu Symptoms with Humidifiers

The flu season is upon us, and the main thing on everyone’s mind, of course, is avoidance! However, sometimes it is impossible to get through the whole winter season without catching at least a cold. Fortunately, there are many tools to help us get by when suffering from cold and flu symptoms, and one of them is a good humidifier!

If you are interested in reducing cold and flu symptoms in your home and would like to contact our heating & air conditioning company for information on humidifiers or your HVAC system in general, we would love to hear from you! We can be reached by phone at 314-993-1110 or online. Do not suffer those cold and flu symptoms any more than you have to!

Cold and Flu Symptoms & How a Humidifier Can Help

Humidifiers & Cold and Flu Symptoms

We all know the misery of catching a cold or flu, and especially how uncomfortable it is during the freezing winter weather. With the winter typically comes dryness and this can be worsened indoors due to our sealed doors and windows as we try to keep the cold air out and the heat in. In fact, while the ideal level of humidity in a room generally falls between 40-60%, these sealed off winter months can cause it to drop down as low as 20-30% in many homes. Of course, opening a window to let some humidity in is not a great option. Unfortunately, dry air makes cold and flu symptoms feel worse, with dry air adding to itchy, dry skin, coughing, and sore throats.

Humidifiers are a great solution to combating dry air indoors while maintaining your home’s heat level. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier can help soothe dry throats and uncomfortable coughs.

Types of Humidifiers to Best Combat Symptoms of the Flu and Cold

Humidifiers come in all shapes and sizes. They can be portable or installed within your home’s HVAC system. Available humidifier systems for your whole home are:

  • Mist/Vaporizer – This is a healthier option because it allows you to control the humidity level easily. Cold or hot steam can be selected, and it has a low risk for mold.
  • Flow-Through – These humidifier systems are evaporative and produce no standing water.
  • Drum – This is another type of evaporative system but can require more maintenance for mold control.

There are also various portable humidifier options available that can provide relief for cold and flu symptoms.

Alleviate Symptoms of Cold and Flu for Your Family with Galmiche & Sons

Help your family feel more comfortable this winter by having one of our expert service technicians install a humidifier in your home. We are here to answer any questions you have about the installation process, as well as humidifier types and which make the most sense for your home. Give us a call today. As your local St. Louis heating & air conditioning company, we look forward to helping your family feel healthier this winter and escaping some of the rougher symptoms of the cold and flu!

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