Common Mistakes that Raise Your Cooling Costs Too High

Mistakes that Raise Your Cooling Costs Too High

Wondering why your cooling costs are so high? Many people do not realize that a lot of the time, their own mistakes might be increasing their cooling costs. It is important to be aware of the common mistakes that can raise your cooling costs too high so that you can take the steps to avoid them.

To learn more about what you can do to keep your air conditioning costs under control, the experts at Galmiche & Sons can help. Serving the St. Louis area since 1950, we are experts when it comes to ensuring your heating and cooling systems run efficiently, keeping you cool while helping you save.

Top 4 Mistakes That Raise Cooling Costs

Not Installing a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats help save on cooling costs and energy because they can be set to automatically adjust the temperature in your home. This allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature without having to manually change the settings every time you enter a room.

For instance, you can set a higher temperature while you are outside the home or when you are asleep to reduce energy use and your cooling costs. According to some estimates, reducing the air conditioner by just one degree can reduce cooling costs by 2 percent.

The recommended settings for summers are 78 degrees and when you are sleeping, you can set it about 3 to 5 degrees higher. When you are away, you can set the thermostat to 86 or 88 degrees. This will ensure the unit does not need to use huge amounts of energy to bring it up to 78 degrees once you return. It is also important to note that turning the thermostat to lower temperatures alone does not make the air conditioner cool the room faster. It just ends up costing you more for over cooling.

You can also use smart thermostats that can be controlled via mobile apps through Wi-Fi to save on cooling costs.

Insulating Poorly or Not at All

Even if your HVAC system is efficient, your cooling costs can be high if your home is poorly insulated. Without sufficient insulation, the air conditioner has to work harder and for longer hours to achieve the ideal indoor temperature, cranking up your energy bills.

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), homeowners can save 20 percent on cooling costs by adequately insulating and sealing the house.

Check for these signs to know if your home lacks insulation:

  • Temperature differs between rooms
  • Lots of icicles hanging from your roof during winter can indicate a lack of insulation in the attic
  • Drafts around windows or doors

Not Using Fans Properly

How to Lower Your Cooling Costs

One of the most common mistakes that raise air conditioning bills is not using fans at home. Opening the windows and doors and turning on the fans before turning on your AC can help you ventilate your home and send out trapped heat. This way, the air conditioner unit needs to work less to achieve the desired level of cooling, saving up your cooling costs.

The other benefits of using household fans are reduced humidity and improved comfort as fans create a wind chill effect, allowing you to feel cooler at higher temperatures.

Not Scheduling Regular Maintenance of Your Air Conditioner

Finally, one of the most important things that you can do to keep your cooling costs in check is to schedule regular system maintenance. Getting your air conditioner serviced by a professional at least once a year will help maximize its efficiency and reduce your cooling costs.

Contact Your St. Louis HVAC Professionals

When you need a reliable St. Louis HVAC company to keep your AC working efficiently, Galmiche & Sons are the experts to call. We offer quick, quality service and make sure you are getting the most out of your AC system while reducing your cooling costs. Contact us to schedule your HVAC maintenance service or learn more about how you can reduce energy costs while keeping cool.

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