Why is Your Heating Bill So High? There are Several Factors

Why is Your Heating Bill So High?

When the temperatures outside fall, most folks see a rise in their heating costs. Why is the heating bill so high? This is a question we get asked a lot by frustrated customers who are paying high heating bills. From standard seasonal changes to poor furnace efficiency, there many reasons you are seeing a cost increase with your energy bills. If you find yourself scratching your head and asking, “Why is my heating bill so high?” Galmiche and Sons is here to help! We have decades of experience in the HVAC industry and proudly serve the greater St. Louis area.

If you are stuck thinking “Why is my heating bill so high”, give us a call today at 314-993-1110. We are the number one heating and air conditioning company in St. Louis, and we look forward to helping you save money on heating bills while keeping comfortable.

If You are Wondering “Why is My Heating Bill So High”, Read On Below

None of us like to see our heating bills increase but it is unfortunately a fact of life in the HVAC world, especially given our cold St. Louis winters. Here at Galmiche and Sons, we believe an educated customer will be better equipped to make decisions about their heating usage that will save them money. So, read on to learn more.

Here are some common reasons why your heating bill may be so high:

  • Insulation Issues – When a customer calls us and wants to know why their heating bill is so high, one of the most common causes is due to poor insulation. This happens frequently with older homes and causes the heat generated by your furnace to be leached out of your house. This means your furnace will be working doubly hard to keep your home at your required temperature, which results in high heating costs.
  • Low Efficiency Furnaces – Another very common reason for inflated heating costs is an inefficient furnace. Older model furnaces, or neglected modern ones, must use extra energy to get the job done. You will notice this as a spike on your heating bill. Getting regular maintenance done can often help this issue.
  • Change of Seasons – One thing that can’t be helped is the shift from warmer months to colder ones. During early cold snaps, people often turn their heat up more than they need to because they are not used to the cold. If you’re thinking: “why is the heating bill so high?”, have a look at your thermostat. A few degrees adjustment can make a big difference.
  • Running the Dryer – This is an often-overlooked culprit for high energy bills. Many people wear extra layers during colder months or use multiple comforters and blankets. This means that there is a laundry increase and running the dryer frequently hikes up energy costs.

Solutions for Increased Heating Bills

When you are faced with the question: “Why is my heating bill so high?”, it can be easy to be frustrated. Luckily, there are a few things you can do, including lower your indoor temperatures, purchase a programmable thermostat, and schedule maintenance!

Let Us Help with Your High Heating Bills

Why is Heating Bill So High?

At Galmiche & Sons, we are a St. Louis heating and air conditioning company that cares about our customers. If you are struggling with high heating costs, give us a call at 314-993-1110 today. Let us help you answer the question: why is you heating bill so high?

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