Boost Air Conditioner Efficiency with These Simple Tips

Boost Air Conditioner Efficiency with These Simple Tips

For consistent cooling and predictable electricity bills, air conditioner efficiency is crucial. You can help your air conditioner operate more efficiently with a few easy habits. This all starts with periodic AC maintenance from an HVAC company near you.

If you are looking for an HVAC provider that can help keep your air conditioner running efficiently, consider Galmiche & Sons. With over 70 years of serving St. Louis homes and businesses with a range of HVAC services, we know what it takes to keep your AC in great shape. Call our heating and air conditioning experts today at 314-993-1110 or send us a message to schedule your appointment.

How to Optimize Air Conditioner Efficiency

There is a lot you can do on your own to ensure air conditioner efficiency. Many of the tips on this list won’t cost you anything, so you can start incorporating them right away. Read on to learn more:

  • Install a programmable thermostat: Once programmed, the thermostat will adjust the indoor temperature automatically based on your preferred comfort level. You can set a temperature range for a given season, and avoid having to manually adjust and re-adjust it, which will reduce the workload on your unit.
  • Avoid placing heat-emitting appliances near the thermostat: Heat-generating appliances make your AC work harder. But it is not always practical to reduce their usage or avoid them completely for the sake of air conditioner efficiency. Instead, take care not to place these near the thermostat. This might include appliances like your computer, television, lights, or coffee pot near your thermostat.
  • Prune or trim back any vegetation near your outdoor unit:Your AC’s condenser coils are located outside your home. The heat removed from indoor air moves out through them. If there are overgrown plants or trees nearby, leaves, dirt, grass, and twigs can enter the coils. Trimming and pruning regularly will take care of the problem.
  • Replace the AC filter: Your AC filter can become clogged with pet hair and dander, dust, pollen, and other debris over time. Dirty filters decrease air flow and make your AC work harder to cool your room. As a rule, replace the filter every 30-90 days.
  • Plug air leaks: Small air leaks around are unlikely to affect air conditioner efficiency but significant ones occurring in the attic and basement or around windows and doors can put a strain on your AC. Caulking helps but bigger problems will require an insulation contractor.
  • Keep vents open: Closing vents in unused rooms creates a low-pressure zone, forcing air from outside to move in from gaps and holes. It causes the indoor temperature to destabilize, reducing heating and cooling efficiency.
  • Use a whole-house dehumidifier: When the humidity in your home is too high, it can make the hot weather feel hotter and encourage you to run your AC at a lower temperature. Consider putting in a whole-house dehumidifier to balance humidity for greater AC efficiency and indoor comfort.
  • Schedule AC maintenance: Even the most efficient air conditioner will require routine inspection and maintenance. As your AC has many moving parts, this is best handled by an HVAC expert, who will be able to diagnose problems that may have gone unnoticed and carry out fixes before they lead to a costly breakdown.

Get an Annual AC tune-up from Galmiche & Sons

How to Optimize Air Conditioner Efficiency

An AC that is in good health will run efficiently. An annual check-up from our technicians will alert you to issues affecting your air conditioner’s efficiency and help set them right. For home and business owners throughout the St. Louis area, we recommend our HVAC maintenance plan, covering a comprehensive annual tune-up, emergency HVAC repairs, and priority service. This will keep your air conditioner running efficiently and alert you of any potential problems.

Contact us today to learn more or schedule your appointment.

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