Why is My House So Hot if the AC is Blowing Cool Air?

It can be a frustrating experience when your AC appears to be working, but you are still asking, “why is my house so hot?” Maybe you can feel cold air coming out of the vents, or hear the AC unit humming like it is supposed to – yet you are still asking, “why is my house so hot?” There are two potential sources for the problem. Your house might be the issue — from bad insulation to a lack of shade, environmental factors can affect AC functioning. On the other hand, it may be an issue with the AC itself.

Regardless, if you are fed up with the misery that can come with the summer heat, and are sick of asking yourself why your house is so hot, connect with your heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis!

Issues with Your House

The most likely reason that you are dealing with a “why is my house so hot” situation is that something about the way your home is set up is interfering with your AC or causing it to be less efficient. If you have not noticed other problems with your AC, the first thing to consider is heat and humidity in the home. Shade is a big factor. There is a lot of potential for HVAC savings — as well as preventing the “why is my house so hot” situation — just by planting trees in the right area. Sun beating down on the house can counteract the AC, making it hard for your system to keep up.

Other potential issues with the home itself are improper insulation and leaks, insufficient or blocked vents, and high humidity. All of these can make it feel warmer in your home, even with the AC on full blast. Air leaks and poor insulation are a common cause for making your house feel hot, even when the AC is working, as they can allow the air your air conditioner has worked so hard to cool to escape, leaving your house hot. Humidity can interfere with your thermostat’s ability to track temperatures and also traps heat. Blocked vents could be responsible for the “why is my house so hot” phenomenon, as this will direct all the cooled air to certain areas of the house, leaving others hot and uncomfortable.

Potential HVAC Causes

Reasons Why Your House is So Hot

Once you have ruled out these common issues with your home, it is time to consider whether there is something wrong with your HVAC system itself. One common issue is air conditioner size. An AC unit that is too small will have trouble cooling the entire space. On the other hand, an oversized air conditioner will cool all the air before it removes the humidity properly, which will cause you to feel hot and wonder “why is my house so hot.” You can calculate what size air conditioner you need based on the square footage of your home as well as some other factors.

Beyond sizing issues, ducts are another area to check. You might be asking, “why is my house so hot” because leaky ducts are preventing cooled air from reaching all the rooms. Like blocked vents, this can leave you feeling uncomfortable in parts of the house. A big indicator that vents or ducts are the problem is uneven heating. If you feel hot everywhere it might be something else.

Find a Definite Answer to Questions About Why Your House is So Hot

For a professional opinion and help keeping your home cool in St. Louis and the surrounding areas, get in touch with our heating & air conditioning professionals, and we can get you out of your “why is my house so hot” misery!

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