Top Reasons Why Air Conditioner Maintenance Service is Worth the Cost

Top Reasons Why Air Conditioner Maintenance Service is Worth the Cost

If you are looking to cut down your cooling costs this summer, one of the best ways is to get your annual air conditioner maintenance service from HVAC specialists like Galmiche & Sons. Getting a timely AC tune-up will help ensure that your AC unit works efficiently, even in the peak of summer. It also prevents emergency breakdowns and costly repairs in the long run.

But if you are working on a tight budget, you might be wondering if air conditioner maintenance service is really necessary. To answer it simply – yes. Keeping up with a regular air conditioner tune-up schedule is important for several reasons. Read on to learn more.

To schedule your air conditioner maintenance service in St. Louis, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

Why Is Air Conditioner Maintenance Service Worth the Cost?

Lessens Risk of Inconvenient and Costly Breakdowns

Most emergency air conditioner breakdowns occur because of a lack of regular maintenance and tune-ups. Professional AC cleaning and maintenance is your first line of defense to prevent these breakdowns from occurring in the first place. When you get your air conditioner maintenance done by a trained professional, they will be able to uncover any existing issues in your unit that could lead to bigger problems down the line.

Extends the Life of Your AC Unit

Skipping air conditioner maintenance service will not only cost you more in the form of repairs but also cut down the life of your AC unit. Most air conditioning units are built to last for 10–15 years. But if you keep up with your regular AC tune-ups, you can enjoy a well-functioning AC for 20 years (or even more). Professional service from a St. Louis HVAC specialist like Galmiche and Sons will ensure that your AC is working at peak efficiency for years to come.

Increases Energy Efficiency

When the different components of your AC unit are not properly lubricated or aligned, they will have to work harder to perform the basic functions, using more energy in the process. Also, if your air filters are clogged and dirty, it can again affect the energy efficiency of your system. Preventative air conditioner maintenance service can address these issues, helping you bring down your energy bills.

Improve Air Quality Indoors

Improve Air Quality Indoors

Keeping up with your air conditioner maintenance service schedule can also help in improving your home’s air quality indoors. How? Simply by cleaning or replacing your air conditioner filters. These filters can be very useful in reducing the contaminants that cycle through the indoor air. With better indoor air quality and lesser health issues, getting an air conditioner tune-up would certainly seem worth the cost.

Keeps Your AC Unit Under Warranty

When you buy a new AC unit, the manufacturer usually requires you to follow regular maintenance as part of the warranty. If you skip air conditioner maintenance services, you can end up voiding your warranty.

Schedule Your AC Maintenance Service Today!

As you can see, regular air conditioner maintenance service is always worth the price. Think of the money you will save in the long run, just by keeping up with your annual AC tune-ups.

If you are looking for an experienced AC maintenance service specialist in the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons is your answer. With years of experience under their belt, our trained technicians are here to offer top-of-the-class services for all your HVAC needs. You can reach out to us today at 314-993-1110 to learn more.

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