Buying a New Air Conditioner: What Is SEER Rating & What Does it Mean?

What is SEER Rating

Are you wondering what the SEER yellow sticker you see on air conditioners is for? SEER is an acronym for Seasonal Energy Efficient Ratio. This is a benchmarking tool used within the HVAC industry, which serves to indicate how efficient an air conditioner unit is. Considering the sheer numbers of air conditioning models and units in the market today, the SEER rating makes it easy for potential customers to identify and recognize which air conditioners have a high degree of energy efficiency.

All air conditioners are assigned a SEER score. The score is determined by dividing the total cooling output of the unit during the cooling season with the amount of energy consumed within that same period. In order for an air conditioner to be considered energy efficient, it must have a federally regulated minimum SEER rating of at least 13. This rating can go as high as 25.

Interpreting a SEER Rating

The higher a SEER score is, the lesser energy the air conditioner consumes and the more value you get out of it. A higher rating means less energy consumed, lower energy bills, and lesser impact on the environment.

If your old air conditioner has a SEER rating of 12 or lower, it is highly recommended to replace it with a newer model that has a SEER rating of 13 or higher. Another reason to make the switch is that some utility companies offer rebates to customers who use highly-efficient air conditioning systems, depending on the SEER rating.

Finding the Right Balance

SEER Rating | Buying St. Louis Air Conditioners

The question is do you really need to get the air conditioner that has the highest SEER rating? This will depend on how much you will use the air conditioner during the summer. For those living in a place like St. Louis where the weather can get hot and humid and if you are someone that uses your air conditioner a lot to stay cool, then you are better off with an air conditioner that has a high SEER rating. But if you do not mind warmer temperatures and prefer to let your house get a little warmer before turning on the AC, you can spring for a unit that is cheaper but has a slightly lower SEER rating.

If you have a strict budget in place, a 13 – 14 SEER rating is a good place to start. If you want to get more savings but are still conscious about your budget, you can go for a mid-range unit that has a 14 – 16 rating. If you are willing to invest on a higher upfront cost because you know you will be getting back the value of your money in the future, then choose an air conditioner with a 16 – 25 SEER rating.

Learn More About Seer Ratings & Buying a New Air Conditioner

If you are still confused on what SEER rating to choose for your air conditioner, contact the professionals at Galmiche & Sons. We have been serving the St. Louis community since 1950 by providing quality Lennox and Goodman equipment. To learn more about our heating and air conditioning services and for help selecting the best energy efficient air conditioner, please call us at 314-993-1110 or request a quote for a new HVAC system online.

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