AC Maintenance: Extend the Life of Your System

AC Maintenance Tips

Annual AC maintenance is a crucial step in keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly. A mere dusting or wiping off of your air conditioner is not enough maintenance work. It takes quite a bit more than that in order to properly clean and service your AC. Therefore, you need the services of a professional HVAC company in St. Louis to fully conduct an AC maintenance checkup in order to keep your system up and running through the hot summer months. It is highly recommended that you do this during late spring or early summer in preparation for the coming summer. However, if you missed your annual cleaning this year, it is better late than never.

Benefits of Regular Air Conditioner Maintenance

AC Maintenance in St. Louis

Here are just a few of the benefits that you get out of hiring a professional for annual AC maintenance:

  • It makes the air conditioner run at an optimal efficiency. Summer’s scorching hot temperatures will make your air conditioner unit work doubly hard. The more than the usual load can take its toll on your air conditioner. In order to prepare your unit for the coming months ahead, AC maintenance right before summer will ensure that it is running in perfect working order.
  • It prevents frequent breakdowns. There is nothing worse than your air conditioner conking out in the middle of a hot summer day. In order to prevent this from happening, have your unit serviced and maintained by a professional HVAC company. The longer you delay or put off AC maintenance, the more you will spend on repairs in the long run.
  • It extends the life of your air conditioner. Lack of AC maintenance results to the buildup of dust, dirt, and grime inside your unit. This will only make your air conditioner vulnerable to frequent breakdowns and malfunctions and could even get to the point that no amount of repair can fix. To get the most out of your unit, you need to protect it just like you would the rest of your house. AC maintenance is the best way to protect your HVAC system.
  • It makes the air conditioner safer to operate. During AC maintenance, the HVAC company ensures that all connections are tightened, making sure the unit is safe to use.
  • It saves you money in the long run. AC maintenance work catches an issue during its earlier stages and takes care of it long before it becomes a full-blown problem. This prevents costly repairs that may happen in the future. It also makes your air conditioner more energy-efficient, which results in lower energy bills.
  • It improves air quality. There are a lot of health risks involved when your air conditioner is not serviced – for example, poor indoor air quality. Part of an AC maintenance inspection includes cleaning the air filters to ensure that the indoor air is properly filtered and dirt and debris are kept from coming in.
  • It gives you peace of mind. You will be relieved knowing that your HVAC system is well taken care of and ready to keep you cool in the coming summer. You will not be caught by surprise because your air conditioner failed without warning.

The summer months can get hot in St. Louis. To prevent headaches on a hot summer day, get your AC maintenance by a local heating and air conditioning company you can trust. In St. Louis, call us at Galmiche & Sons today to receive a free quote or to schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment!

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