How Can Indoor Humidity and Temperature Affect Your Health?

How Can Indoor Humidity and Temperature Affect Your Health?

While we may think about temperature a lot as a matter of comfort and happiness, we do not often consider indoor humidity and temperature as a matter of health. That fact is, however, that these environmental factors can greatly impact health and indoor air quality. Not only are some people affected directly by indoor humidity and temperature, but it can be a factor in other health risks developing as well.

So read on to learn how to control indoor air quality. If humidity is a concern in your St. Louis area home, call your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons today at (314) 993-1110 to schedule an assessment.

Humidity Matters: Why You Should Care About Indoor Humidity and Temperature

You may not realize it, but our bodies react quite a bit to indoor humidity and temperature, and both too-humid and too-dry air can cause or exacerbate health problems. Both can aggravate asthma or allergies, so that is one good reason to care about indoor humidity. There is also the fact that indoor humidity and temperature affect each other, which is commonly overlooked. So, if you want to adjust the temperature or humidity in your home it is important to understand how these two factors interact. Humidity, and its effects on sweating, for instance, can be annoying in the winter but very dangerous in hot weather.

  • Overly Dry Air – Air that is too dry can dry out sinuses and airways and lead to itchy throats, bloody noses, and chapped lips. This is primarily an issue during winter and can be addressed using a humidifier to boost the indoor humidity and temperature together with your heating unit. However, be aware of the growth of mold, microbes, and mildew. Humidity can promote the growth and spread of such invaders, so clean humidifiers often.
  • Overly Humid Air – In the summer, the problem is reversed. Overly humid air is the main issue, and it can exacerbate asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. To get an idea of just how much humidity and temperature can affect your health, think about what it is like to breathe in a sauna. Fixing this issue with indoor humidity and temperature solutions can help alleviate allergies, asthma, and other conditions. Make sure there is enough airflow through your home and use fans to boost this. A dehumidifier can also help to take some moisture out of the air.

Other Factors in Indoor Air Quality

When it comes to indoor air quality, indoor humidity and temperature are just some of the factors that can affect your health. From mold growth to skin irritation, humidity can have a big impact on comfort. But indoor air quality can also be affected by these factors:

  • Use of volatile chemicals, such as cleaners, paint thinner, or motor oil.
  • Improper ventilation and lack of airflow.
  • Lack of seals or poor insulation that allows too much air to enter or escape.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Indoor Humidity and Temperature Solutions

Understanding Indoor Humidity and Temperature

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, why not contact us and have the quality of your air assessed by a heating & air conditioning professional? To learn more about staying healthy at home, call us at (314) 993-1110.

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