10 Tricks for Using Fans to Stay Cool without AC

Summer means hot nights and hotter days. With the heat index rising, it can be hard to stay cool. If you don’t have air conditioning or are struggling with a power outage or high energy bills, there are still ways to stay comfortable without breaking the bank. Fans have been a lifesaver in the summer for centuries. They help keep you cool by blowing air over your skin and evaporating sweat. Here are ten tricks you can use to stay cool without AC.

Using Fans to Stay Cool without AC

For more tips or to schedule AC maintenance or repair for your St. Louis area home, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today. As leading heating and cooling experts, serving the area since 1950, we can have your air conditioner back up and running in no time to help keep you and your family cool and comfortable all summer long.

How to Keep Cool If Your AC Is Out

Keeping cool without AC can seem like an impossible task, but there are some things you can do to break the heat. These include:

  • #1: Use an electric fan: Set the electric fan on the floor or table, and point it towards you or your favorite chair.
  • #2: Put a damp towel on the fan: To increase the cooling effect of your fan, hang a damp towel or wet sheet over the fan and feel the difference!
  • #3: Get a box fan: Box fans or window fans are a great way to pull air into the house and improve airflow. Place it close to where you are sitting or standing, and turn it on the lowest setting. The fan will pull in cooler air from outside, so you will get a nice breeze. For even more air flow, open a window across the room to create a cross breeze.
  • #4: Block the heat: Close all windows, blinds, and shades in the house and turn off lights when not needed to block light and heat.
  • #5: Leverage your windows: Place fans near windows to pull cooler air in. If your house has tall windows, you can use a stool or ladder to place your fan at a greater height. This is because hot air tends to rise up, and the fans will push it out of the window.
  • #6: Use ice: To stay cool without AC, another trick is to get a floor fan and place a bucket of ice or a shallow pan of cool water in front of the fan. As the ice melts, the surrounding air gets cooler thanks to the fan blowing cool mist.
  • #7: Angle the fan right: Ensure the fan is pointing upwards (instead of directly at you) to circulate and remove hot air. Also, remember to press the fan’s forward button to make the blades spin counterclockwise. This helps create a cooler breeze and push out hot air efficiently.
  • #8: Create a wind catcher: Place an object like a tin can or an empty toilet paper tube in front of the fan, and turn it on. This will create circulation by creating air currents and will cool you down.
  • #9: Use a dehumidifier: Humidity levels tend to rise up in St. Louis, which can make it difficult for you to stay cool without AC. Using a dehumidifier is a great way to remove the extra moisture in the air and stay cool without AC.
  • #10: Increase cross-ventilation: Open the windows in the morning and evening when the weather is cooler. Installing an exhaust fan in your bathroom and kitchen is another way to enhance cross-ventilation.

Schedule AC Service or Repair in St. Louis

How to Stay Cool without AC

Fans are a great way to stay cool in the summer, but their effectiveness will vary depending on the heat index and wind speed. The sun has a powerful effect on heating up areas, which can often lead to unbearable temperatures. If you do need to use your AC, remember to get it serviced by a trained HVAC professional in St. Louis to stay cool during the summers. This will help make sure your system is operating at peak efficiency to keep you cool without raising your AC bills too high.

In St. Louis, call the experts at Galmiche & Sons to schedule your air conditioner repair, maintenance, or replacement today.

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