Basic Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Maintaining your air conditioner is a necessary task if you want your HVAC system to serve you for a long time. Not only does regular and proper maintenance make the air conditioner unit more effective, it also helps with saving on energy bills. There are various components that make up the air conditioner and each of these needs regular maintenance to work efficiently. If you have no idea of how to go about maintaining your air conditioner, then this article should point you in the right direction.

In addition to do it yourself tips, maintaining your air conditioner also requires professional maintenance checks. For a professional heating & air conditioning system check in the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons is the company to call. Contact us today at 314-993-1110 to book your appointment.

DIY Tips for Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Maintaining Your Air Conditioner | DIY AC Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your air conditioner is a simple task and there are a couple of easy steps that you can take to do so yourself. Before you call in a professional HVAC company, here are a couple of things that you can take care of in your regular air conditioner maintenance checks.

  • Replace or clean the air filter – One easy way to maintain your air conditioner is to clean and replace the air filter regularly. Because the filter helps to rid the indoor air of any dirt, it is likely to clog up with all the dirt particles. A clogged air filter will affect the normal flow of your indoor air and may end up costing you outrageous energy bills. If your air filter is not reusable, then you should replace it regularly.
  • Clean the air conditioner coils – Although having a clean air filter will keep the coils clean as well, it is important to clean them separately as part of maintaining your air conditioner. The evaporator coil, when dirty, reduces its effectiveness in absorbing heat. The outside coil is prone to dirt from the environment. It is important to clean the coils as part of your regular maintenance routine for your air conditioner.
  • Check the coil fins – The evaporator and condenser coils usually have aluminum fins. With time, these fins may become bent and as a result they may block air flow. When maintaining your air conditioner, you may need to use a ‘fin comb’ to get the fins back to their original shape.

Maintaining Your Air Conditioner: Professional Maintenance

As much as you have followed all the DIY tips for maintaining your air conditioner, an annual professional check is typically recommended. This is because there are certain parts of your air conditioner unit that are best handled by a professional. Here’s what a technician will do:

  • Check the amount of refrigerant and test for refrigerant leaks
  • Inspect the accuracy of the thermostat
  • Measure the airflow
  • Seal any duct leakage if detected
  • Inspect electric terminals as well as ensure that the heating and cooling systems work separately

Contact Us for a Professional Air Conditioner Maintenance Check in St. Louis

While there are some key steps that you should take to maintain your air conditioner yourself as stated above, you should also be sure to schedule a professional check up annually. Each of these air conditioner maintenance steps serve different functions, and together, they can ensure that your system runs efficiently and effectively for many years.

Galmiche & Sons has been in the HVAC industry for years and our technicians are highly experienced. In the greater St. Louis area, give us a call at 314-993-1110 to schedule professional heating & air conditioning service and to ensure that your system is properly maintained.

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