Timeline for Proper HVAC Replacement & Maintenance

Timeline for Proper HVAC Replacement & Maintenance

HVAC replacement can be a real hassle, so most people do not want to think about it before it is absolutely necessary. This can be a big mistake though! In fact, planning ahead for replacement can save you a lot of time and money. Rather than having to deal with a major breakdown, if you plan ahead, you can replace your heating and cooling before it reaches its last legs. That means you won’t have to spend time without AC, and you can avoid other systems in your home being damaged by a major breakdown.

Thankfully, there are some clear and easy signs you can look out for that it is time to replace your heating & air conditioning with a newer system.

Is It Time for An HVAC Replacement?

One thing to keep in mind is the average life of a home HVAC system. Most last up to 15 years, so you should start thinking about HVAC replacement once your system is more than 10 years old. After that, you will likely be spending more on AC repairs over time than the one-time cost of a full HVAC replacement would be. In fact, this is a good rule of thumb for determining if it is time to replace your heating and AC. Add up the costs of repairs in the previous year and multiply it by the age of the system. This will give you a good estimate of what repair costs are going to look like moving forward. If this is more expensive than the cost of an HVAC replacement, you know it is time to replace!

Similarly, you should look out for any issues and things that seem to be running slower than before. You can catch a lot of this on your own, but it is also a good idea to have a professional HVAC team check your system at least once a year. A professional will catch things you might miss, and they can also recommend ways to extend the life of your HVAC system and prevent an early HVAC replacement.

Extending the Life of Your System

Regular air conditioner servicing visits can themselves extend the life of your HVAC system. One major way to prevent the need for an early HVAC replacement is to make sure your HVAC system is cleaned well and regularly. You would be amazed how quickly something like a dirty air filter or clogged condensate drain can start to damage other components and speed you towards an HVAC replacement.

 Beyond this, smaller problems might arise that do not necessitate an HVAC replacement, but also should not be left alone. Everything from electrical issues, to duct leaks, and refrigerant replacements can affect your HVAC system quite a bit if left unattended. Not to mention, you will be paying a lot more in energy bills if you let issues like this go unaddressed.

Find Out More About HVAC Replacement

Timeline for HVAC Replacement

A regular service visit can help you make the call as to whether it is time for an HVAC replacement or not. Going on age or using the calculation above is a good way to estimate how long you have, but each system is different, so a professional heating & air conditioning evaluation is the best way to determine if it is time for an HVAC replacement.

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