Understanding the Importance of Humidification in Your Home

Humidification is a very important part of a healthy and comfortable home, especially in the winter. Most of us are familiar with the warm, humid days of St. Louis during the summer, but did you know that humidification is also vital in the winter? As you heat your home, the air inside becomes dry. This is made worse by the fact that air during winter is cold and very dry. Low humidification in your home can cause all sorts of issues for you and your family. Investing in a humidifier for your HVAC system is a great step to take to boost indoor humidification. When you do this, you are prioritizing your family’s comfort and health, what’s not to like?

Understanding the Importance of Humidification in Your Home

Want to find out more about humidification in your home? Give us a call at 314-993-1110. At Galmiche & Sons, heating and air conditioning has been our business since 1950, so whatever your needs, we are here to help.

5 Reasons Humidification is Essential for Your Family & Home

Ensuring the best humidity level in your home has many great benefits. Many folks do not realize the common issues around the house that can be caused by dry air. Humidification will help to reduce or eliminate some of these nagging problems that we have all experienced.

Take a look at our 5 reasons to improve the humidity in your home:

  • Get Better Sleep – Interestingly, low humidity often causes people to get less quality sleep, which in turn effects mood and energy levels. Dry air also can cause sore throats and sinus issues. A good reason to get a humidifier.
  • Enjoy Better Air Quality – In addition to sore throats and sinus pain, dry air can cause itchy skin and eyes, headaches, and increased allergies. A humidifier can help reduce all of these aspects. Plus, dry air feels colder than moist air, so humidifying your home may also allow you to save by lowing the thermostat a few degrees.
  • Protect Your House – Not only does dry air affect you and your family, but it can physically impact parts of your house too. Things such as hardwood floors, paint, and furniture can dry out and crack. Humidification is a great way to protect the items inside your home.
  • Boost Health – Sometimes our HVAC systems can spread viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants around your home. Often, these irritants, such as many viruses, thrive in a dry environment. Adding humidity to your air will help to cut down on this risk.
  • Cut Down on Static – Getting a little zap every time you touch a door handle? Static electricity is intensified by dry air. Humidity prevents the build-up of static, which adds to your overall comfort.

Humidifiers are a Great Addition to Your HVAC System

Controlling Humidification in Your Home

If you are experiencing the signs of low humidity in your home, a whole house humidifier may be the best solution. While there are several types available, a humidification system is attached to your main HVAC unit and adds water vapor into the air that circulates through your home. A humidistat, like a thermostat, allows you to monitor and control the levels of moisture in your home by adjusting the humidifier settings as needed.

Invest in the Humidification of Your Home Today

If you are looking for a new humidifier for your home or want to learn more about the benefits of managing the humidity levels in your home, we can help. As a leading heating and air conditioning company in St. Louis, we can solve any HVAC issue you have. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, give us a call today at 314-993-1110.

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