Steps for Saving on Energy Bills and Heating Costs

Saving on Energy Bills and Heating Costs

Heating costs during the winter season can skyrocket. Of course, you want to keep the house warm enough and will probably have the furnace on for most of the time. However, you would probably still love the opportunity to cut down on the heating costs. So, how exactly do you do that? We have some ideas!

In the meantime, if you are looking for a reliable HVAC contractor for furnace repair or service, do not hesitate to call Galmiche & Sons. Since 1950, we have gained the trust of the residents of St. Louis and the greater region. Our technicians are specially trained to handle any and all of your heating & air conditioning problems. Give us a call today at 314-993-1110 to talk to one of our experts and learn more on how to cut on heating costs this winter.

Ways to Cut Heating Costs This Winter

Tips for Saving on Heating Costs

Most homeowners will argue that there is no way of reducing heating costs without compromising comfort. However, there are a number of things that you can do to cut heating costs and still remain as comfortable as ever. Have a look at our list below and choose what works best for you.

  • Dress for the weather: By bundling yourself up in warm clothes such as cozy sweaters and socks, you can reduce the temperature in your home and still be comfortable. You can also add rugs to help insulate the rooms. Insulated curtains also help to trap heat and keep rooms warm.
  • Use a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can help cut down on your heating costs. This will help control the temperature even when you are away from home or when you are asleep. A programmable thermostat will help regulate the temperature in your house automatically and allow you to set the temperature cooler when you are asleep or away to save.
  • Keep the filters clean: Dirty filters can have you paying outrageous amounts of cash in the name of heating costs. Clogged filters make it difficult for air to pass through easily, making the system to work harder than it should. This causes it to use more energy than it should require.
  • Replace your system: It is important to take note of how old your HVAC system is. Older systems tend to be less efficient and in turn they use up a lot of energy just to keep the house comfortable. If your heating system is more than a couple of years old, then you may want to consider getting a replacement with a newer, much more efficient model.
  • Schedule professional maintenance: As much as you can always do some maintenance yourself. Yet, it is also important to have a professional take a look at your system least annually. With professional maintenance, your technician can easily identify anything that is causing you to have higher heating costs before you even notice it yourself.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Learn How to Reduce Heating Costs

For professional maintenance and to learn more about how you can save, contact our St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts by calling 314-993-1110 to book an appointment for your system tune-up. Let us help you reduce heating costs and save on energy bills!

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