Smart Thermostat Savings: Save Money on Your Energy Bills

In the typical St. Louis home, your heating and cooling system comprises almost half of your utility bill. This is why it is important to consider efficient ways to reduce your energy consumption, in order to save some money on utility bills. One way to do this without out sacrificing on comfort is to install a smart thermostat in your home.

Smart Thermostat Savings

In the old days, there were two kinds of thermostat: manual and programmable. The former allowed you to manually change the temperature of your home, while the latter allowed you to choose the times you want to turn on your cooling and heating, and to what degree. The third generation thermostat is called the smart thermostat, and this usually accompanies almost all home automation systems, allowing for significant smart thermostat savings.

What is a Smart Thermostat?

Simply put, a smart thermostat allows you to change the settings and set your preferred schedule for heating and cooling similar to a programmable thermostat, but with the added convenience of accessibility through a mobile phone. There are also some additional benefits and savings offered with modern smart thermostats.

Smart Thermostat Savings in St. Louis

Here are just a few smart thermostat savings and benefits:

  • Ease of use: All you need to do is download an app and you can control the thermostat’s settings from your own smartphone or computer.
  • Anticipation of needs: Smart thermostats savings add up as they can learn (and predict) the behavior of a house’s occupants. In just a matter of days, it will learn and anticipate when you would rather cool down or keep things warm. A smart thermostat can also determine how long it will take for your home to achieve your desired temperature, based on inside and outside temperatures ensuring the best in comfort and efficiency.
  • Remote convenience: One of the main selling points of a smart thermostat is convenience. These thermostats allow you to control the temperature of your home from anywhere! If you are away on a trip, you can regularly check up on how things are at home. If you decided to come home early, you can have the preferred temperature ready by the time you get home. If you are still in bed and you loathe getting up to hot or cold temps, you can program the thermostat from right where you are.
  • Smart thermostat utility savings: Another key benefit of smart thermostats is the savings they offer on your utility bills. You can program the smart thermostat to switch off when everyone is away at school or work or when everyone is asleep. During the summer months, you can set a schedule to increase the temperature at night when everybody is sound asleep, and to automatically lower the temperature once the entire household is about to wake up. Some smart thermostat models also allow you to track your HVAC equipment’s energy consumption in real-time, so you can make minor tweaks and adjustments in order maximize smart thermostat savings.

Learn More About Smart Thermostat Savings

Smart thermostat savings are only one benefit of upgrading your thermostat along with better control over your heating and cooling system with minimum human intervention.

In order to get the most smart thermostat savings, you need to hire the right people to install the thermostat. Galmiche & Sons is the best company to do this, as we are experts when it comes to installing new automated thermostats for St. Louis homes. To learn more about smart thermostat savings and for all of your heating & air conditioning needs, please call us at 314-993-1110!

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