Ways to Cool Off with a Broken Air Conditioner

Cool Off with a Broken Air Conditioner

Dealing with a broken air conditioner during the hot summer months can be a real pain for you and your family. You can only spend so much time away from the house, and — after all — it is your home and you should be able to expect comfort there. There are a lot of good ways to stay cool while you wait for your broken air conditioner to get running again, but the first step is to make sure you contact the St. Louis heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons right away. Not only can we get you back in action quickly, having an expert service professional find the cause of your broken air conditioner is important.

Repairing Your Broken Air Conditioner

One reason it is important to have your air conditioner servicing team take a look right away is that a broken air conditioner can be indicative of bigger problems that might be affecting other systems in your home as well. One big thing to look out for is electrical issues, which can cause problems for both your AC unit and lots of other systems in your home. Leaving an issue like this unaddressed can be dangerous, and leave you with much bigger issues than a broken air conditioner.

For high quality air conditioner repair in St. Louis, Galmiche & Son’s is the right choice to make. We will take a thorough look at your whole HVAC system and determine the cause of your broken air conditioner with as little hassle as possible. From there, we can fix the problem and get you back in business quickly.

Keeping Cool in the Meantime

Still, you want to be comfortable while you wait. The biggest tip for keeping cool while you are dealing with a broken air conditioner is to limit the additional heat that enters your home as much as possible. So, keep windows and doors shut and covered if possible. This may be counter-intuitive, as you might expect to want those cool breezes coming in, but it does work. What might be cooler air for a moment or so will quickly start to heat up your home. Similarly, you should turn off lights and any appliances that you are able to in order to minimize the amount of additional heat created inside your home. Fans can help keep you comfortable, and cooling off in a pool, cold shower, or even using the garden hose can help you get through some time with a broken air conditioner.

It is also very important to stay hydrated if you have a broken air conditioner and it is hot out. For the most part, the heat is just uncomfortable, but one of the biggest risks related to heat is dehydration. So make sure to drink plenty of water!

Let Galmiche & Sons Fix Your Broken Air Conditioner

Tips to Cool Off with a Broken Air Conditioner

At Galmiche & Sons, we understand the frustration that comes with a broken AC – especially during our hot St. Louis summers! Connect with our heating & air conditioning company today to schedule your AC repair or service appointment. We look forward to being able to help you cool down!

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