Prevent Furnace Breakdowns: 3 Simple Steps to Keep Your Furnace Happy

Prevent Furnace Breakdown | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Experts agree your furnace typically has a lifespan of approximately 12 years. Yet, without proper maintenance, that number becomes even smaller. There are a few easy steps you can take to prevent furnace breakdown. Just like any appliance, your furnace requires proper care. We all understand the annoyance that comes with a malfunctioning piece of machinery, especially one your home depends on heavily. This list will help you prevent furnace breakdown as the cold winter months set in.

For more information on furnace breakdown prevention, contact Galmiche & Sons. We are your local heating & air conditioning experts, standing by to answer any questions you may have! Connect with us today at 314-993-1110.

Prevent Furnace Breakdown with These 3 Easy Steps

  1. Take Precautions for Winter– As a homeowner you understand the need to prepare your home for each of the changing seasons. This preparation is important for your HVAC system as well. Over the years, wear and tear can cause your furnace to overwork. If your home has particularly drafty rooms or cold spots, that is probably a sign of poor insulation. To prevent furnace breakdown, reinforce your insulation. This will keep in warm air and leave cold air outside where it belongs allowing your furnace to run less while maintaining a comfortable temperature. Additionally, you should replace any weather stripping that may cause cold leaks to ensure your HVAC system is working more efficiently for you.
  2. HVAC Maintenance to Prevent Furnace Breakdown

  3. Replace Your Current Filter– One of the easiest ways to prevent furnace breakdowns this year is to replace the air filter in your HVAC System. Think of an air filter the same way as you might think about a lint catcher in a dryer. As a filter becomes gradually clogged with debris over time, it becomes less efficient. Unfortunately, the process is not as simple as removing a layer of grime and replacing it. Fortunately, a new filter is inexpensive and easy to install. Changing your filter regularly can effectively prevent furnace breakdowns for months or even years if you are diligent. Change your filter every month in the late fall and winter for the best results.
  4. Call Your Local HVAC Company for Support– Maintaining an HVAC system means paying a lot of attention to detail. While there are many steps you can personally take to prevent furnace breakdown, some aspects are better left to the professionals. Schedule a check up early on in the cold season to spot any problem areas that need special care. With a trained eye, you can begin the process of repairs before they become more of an issue. Utilize your HVAC expert to ask any questions you may have while they are on site. When it comes to HVAC care in the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons has you covered.

Prevent Furnace Breakdowns with Help from Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis

With many years of experience, Galmiche & Sons works hard every day to ensure the safety and comfort of homes throughout the St. Louis area. Our family run business is proud to be your go-to for all things heating & air conditioning related. From your first phone call with us, to your ongoing HVAC maintenance needs, we will provide exemplary service. Our heating & cooling experts are standing by every day to guide you. Call us now at 314-993-1110 to learn how to provide better care for your home and prevent furnace breakdown.

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