Should I Open the Windows in Late Summer and Early Fall?

Should I Open the Windows in Late Summer and Early Fall?

As late summer winds on and fall brings a chill to the air, you may need your shorts one day and your heater the next. Often, on a cool day this time of year, folks will open the windows in their house rather than run the AC. Sometimes this can be a great way too cool your house, other times not so much. “Should I open the windows?” is a question we get asked a lot this time of year. We are here to help give you the information you need to ensure you are cooling and heating your house efficiently.

Wondering if you are losing money by leaving the windows open in your house? In St. Louis, give us a call at 314-993-1110 and one of our heating & air conditioning experts can help.

When is It Best to Open the Windows in Your Home?

As one of St. Louis’ leading HVAC companies, we pride ourselves on educating our customers with the best practices for their home or business HVAC system. We compiled this quick list of tips to help you know when the best time to open the windows during the fall and late summer is.

Our top tips for when it is best to open the windows at home:

  • Beware of Moisture – When you open the windows while the air is still humid, even if it is cool, lots of extra moisture begins to creep in. This has an adverse effect on your air conditioner. Humid air retains extra heat, which will cause your AC to work harder if you run it during the day to stay cool. It is often more efficient to keep the windows closed and use the AC while it is still warm/humid.
  • AC by Day, Windows by Night – Similar to our tip above, when you open the windows at night and run your AC by day, you could be wasting energy. All conditioned air inside your home will escape and could be letting air in that is slightly warmer, which in turn means higher bills coming to your mailbox.
  • Wait for Cooler Weather – If you are lucky enough to live in a climate where late summer and fall temps are cool, then opening your windows to cool your home is a viable option. Generally, look for temperatures around 70 degrees or less at night to do this, which often happens around fall here in St. Louis.

Opening Your Windows is Good for You!

When Should You Open the Windows in Fall

Opening a few windows in your home when you have the chance is actually good for your health. Closed windows allow dust and other toxins to build up in the air inside your home. An open window will help to flush this air out and bring in clean, fresh air.

Be Smart About When to Open the Windows at Home

If you follow our tips and strategically open windows in your house, you can save money while also optimizing your heating and cooling system. To learn more and for more HVAC system help, call 314-993-1110 today to speak with one of our heating & air conditioning experts about any of your HVAC needs.

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