Ways to Reduce Air Conditioner Noise

Reduce Air Conditioner Noise

Air conditioners provide comfort to homes and offices by working around the clock to maintain a cool temperature. However, with this means that there is the air conditioner noise to contend with. Whether it is a window-mount air conditioner or central AC, a few simple fixes can provide you with a comfortable temperature with low noise output.

Sound is measured in decibels (dB) and an average air conditioning unit is expected to release between 70dB and 75dB. The human threshold for noise is between 115dB and 140dB level. So therefore, the level of air conditioner noise can be a nuisance for many.

At Galmiche & Sons, we are St. Louis’ experts in all things heating & air conditioning, including reducing air conditioner noise level. Contact us today at 314-993-1110 for help reducing air conditioner noise or to learn more about getting a newer, quieter system installed!

How to Reduce Air Conditioner Noise

With some simple tips, air conditioner noise can be reduced to make life more comfortable in your home or office.

Tips to Reduce Air Conditioner Noise

  • Use a Noise Blanket – Installing a noise blanket around the compressor insulates it and reduces noise without affecting the efficiency or performance of your air conditioning unit. This method of sound reduction is also cost-effective. However, it is important to make sure the blanket is properly installed so that it does not affect performance.
  • Install Noise Barriers – Planting vegetation between your unit and home will block or limit the sound waves. It will also absorb the sound and act as a buffer. Wood fencing can be effective in absorbing and blocking air conditioner noise, but it must be taller than the unit. Installing any of these noise barriers should be done by a specialist to avoid redirecting the sound waves towards your home or obstructing the flow of air, which may lower the overall performance of your unit. All barriers should maintain a safe distance from the outdoor unit.
  • Choose the Location of the Unit Carefully – When installing a new unit, its location is an important consideration. For example, bedrooms typically require a quiet atmosphere, so the air conditioner unit should not be installed close by. Also, avoid installing the unit close to corridors where the main ducts to your home are placed. This will prevent amplification of the sound. The units should not be fixed at corners with multiple surfaces to avoid sound reflection.
  • Check the Fan Blades and Motor – Fan blades may become unbalanced because of dirt. Clean the fan blades with a damp rag, and lubricate the motor, bearings, and motor shaft regularly to reduce noise and ensure proper performance.
  • Perform Regular Maintenance – Damage, clogs, and components that are not functioning properly may cause air conditioner noise to be amplified. Regular maintenance and removal of dirt and debris can help eliminate noise from air conditioners. Clearing drains and changing the filter of your AC unit can also be an effective way of reducing air conditioner noise. There are also several other benefits you can enjoy with regular preventative air conditioner maintenance beyond noise reduction.
  • Install a New Lennox Air Conditioner – New Lennox air conditioners feature a ‘silent comfort’ technology that eliminates much of the noise that commonly arises from the system. The units are designed to silence the unwanted sound from compressors, fans, and other parts of the unit.


Contact Galmiche & Sons for More Tips on Air Conditioner Noise Reduction

To start enjoying the ambient temperature of your home without disruptive noise from your AC unit, call the experts at Galmiche & Sons at 314-993-1110. We have been providing heating & air conditioning comfort to St. Louis for over 60 years and will help you adopt ways to reduce your air conditioner noise level while improving comfort in your home.

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