Why It Pays to Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance This Fall

Heat Pump Maintenance in St. Louis

One of the things people love most about heat pumps is that they are considerably low maintenance, especially when compared to their traditional heating and cooling system counterparts. However, with the number of benefits that come from regular maintenance such as lower operating costs, extended lifespan, and improved performance, it pays to schedule regular heat pump maintenance with your local St. Louis HVAC professionals.

If you would like to schedule an appointment for fall heat pump maintenance, contact Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis. We can be easily reached by phone at 314-993-1110. We have been providing heating & air conditioning solutions to home and business owners in St. Louis for many years and look forward to helping you with yours!

Good Reasons to Schedule a Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

Whether it is a heat pump or other HVAC equipment, it is always a good idea to make sure your system is well-maintained. Regularly maintained systems save money through a number of benefits. Here are just a couple of the reasons to schedule your heat pump maintenance for the fall:

  • Prepare After a Season of Working Full Time – Heat pumps are used year-round since they operate as both a heating and a cooling mechanism, so your heat pump has likely been working non-stop all summer. Before gearing it up for winter, a heat pump maintenance check can ensure that it stays in good working order for the cold season, sorting out any potential issues ahead of time.
  • Extend the Heat Pump’s Lifespan – Routine heat pump maintenance can extend the system’s life. Naturally, over time the parts inside your system go through wear-and-tear. If you forgo routine attention and maintenance, it can expose the parts to excessive wear and risks opening the parts up to breaking, which in turn can cause a breakdown in the system overall. This can lead to requiring a new system long before its time should be up.
  • Save Money with Heat Pump Maintenance in the Fall

  • Maintain the System’s Warranty – The majority of heat pumps come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Such warranties are meant to protect consumers from faulty systems, as well as give them peace of mind and trust in the company that manufactured it. However, as a condition of the warranty, most manufacturers require that customers seek regular maintenance of the heat pump by a professional HVAC company. Keep your warranty intact, and schedule your fall heat pump maintenance, today!
  • Lower the Risk of a Breakdown – Regular maintenance reduces the risk of an emergency breakdown, with any potential issues addressed ahead of time. Therefore, you can relax over the winter, knowing your heating system will not fail at a time it is least convenient.
  • Improve Energy Efficiency – Getting regular heat pump maintenance ensures high-efficiency heat pump performance. More efficient heating, translates to lower energy bills each month. Between the low air conditioning bill over the summer, and the low-cost heating bill in the winter, your family budget will be rejoicing.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Schedule Your Regular Heat Pump Maintenance

To schedule your heat pump’s regular maintenance, connect with Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today. We can be reached online or by phone at 314-993-1110. We can also help with any other heating & air conditioning related issues you may have, so call today!

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