Unexpected Programmable Thermostat Benefits

Programmable Thermostat Benefits | St. Louis HVAC Tips

A programmable thermostat has become more commonplace on residential HVAC systems, and for good reason – they can provide many benefits to you and your home. From improving efficiency to ensuring optimal comfort in zoned systems, programmable thermostats do much more than just heat and cool your home.

Some of the best benefits you can find from this quick and easy upgrade are as follows:

Save Money with Programmable Thermostats

This is the main reason why many homeowners switch to a programmable thermostat in the first place. A programmable thermostat allows you to make temperature adjustments for each area of your home that provides the most comfort while saving you money.

Each degree that the temperature is raised or lowered during the year can save up to 2% on your utility bills. You can also program the thermostats so that while you are away from home, the temperature changes accordingly to save energy and money. This can also be programmed to go back to normal once you have returned home.

Programmable Thermostats Promote More Even Temperatures

A programmable thermostat will maintain help maintain consistent and even temperature levels throughout your home, many often find that they no longer have areas that are warmer or cooler than any other. All areas remain constant to what they have been set at which leaves your home much more comfortable.

Experience Improved Efficiency

Your home will also become much more energy efficient, and your utility bills will start to reflect this. Additionally, there will be less wear and tear on your HVAC system. Because your home will not be heating or cooling while you are away, you get the benefit of lower energy consumption and the positive effect on the environment this brings.

Prolong the Life of Your HVAC System

Benefits of a Programmable Thermostat in St. Louis

If you have an older system, it could be a possibility that a programmable thermostat can prolong the time before you need to replace your old system. Improved efficiency and the reduced strain on the system can keep your system running much longer.

If it is the case that a new HVAC system is indeed required, it is advisable to make the switch to a programmable thermostat at the same time. This will keep your new system in its best working condition for as long as possible.

Programmable Thermostats Coordinate Heating & Cooling with the Times of Day

During the day, there are significant fluctuations with the air temperature outside your home. With a programmable thermostat, you can now take advantage of these changes and set your thermostat accordingly. Your system can be configured to make the most of the winter sun or the cooler weather on summer evenings to save you the most money.

Experience Greater Control Over Zoned Cooling & Heating

With a zoned HVAC system, different zones within your home can now be set with a different temperature. A programmable thermostat will allow you to fine tune areas that do not require as much heating or cooling as others at different times of the day. This will prevent your system from being overworked and will also be reflected when you receive your utility bills.

Enjoy Additional Modern Benefits

Many newer programmable thermostats, or smart thermostats, now come with features that allow them to be controlled remotely. These systems make it possible to monitor your home’s heating and energy usage while you are away, ensuring you are not wasting money by heating or cooling the home when no one is home.

Learn More About Programmable Thermostats for Your St. Louis Home

If you are interested in upgrading to a programmable thermostat for your St. Louis area home, the heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons can help! Give us a call at 314-993-1110 today to learn more!

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