5 Steps to Keep Pollen Out & Improve Air Quality This Spring

Improve Air Quality in Spring

The spring season has started and everyone is excited for warmer weather, pretty greenery, and bright, colorful flowers. However, as beautiful as it is, it also carries a challenge for people to improve air quality in their homes with rising pollen counts and other irritants in the air.

As a St. Louis resident, you probably know that among all pollutants that could affect air quality, pollen is the most persistent during the spring season. Being the one of the most populated cities in Missouri, St. Louis is one of the areas with the highest number of reported cases of pollen allergies during spring.

So how can you improve air quality in your home so you can breathe easy through spring? Read on or contact us to learn more!

Improving Air Quality in Your Home

Tips to Improve Air Quality

The experts at Galmiche & Sons have put together some tried and true tips to improve air quality in your house this season:

  • Plan home entry procedures – Being mindful of how you enter the house can help improve air quality overall. The plan should include basic things such as removing or wiping off footwear, providing an isolated area for storing coats, umbrellas, and other clothing used outdoors, and other related procedures. Basically, do everything you can to keep from bringing the outdoors inside.
  • Do a thorough spring cleaning – This helps ensure that the interior of the house is free of dust, dander, and other potential respiratory irritants, so you can start fresh this season. Brushing, washing, and vacuuming areas where pollen is most likely to accumulate during the season are some of the most important tasks to accomplish to improve air quality.
  • Get your HVAC system tuned-up – The spring season is a good time of the year to have your existing HVAC system inspected, repaired, or replaced if needed. Making sure your air filter is cleaned or replaced is also key.
  • Install air purifiers – If someone in your household has a history of asthma or allergies, the installation of air purifiers or cleaners can help improve air quality and reduce airborne irritants. Units with higher ratings in terms of Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) are preferable. It is also possible to integrate additional UV lamps inside your HVAC system. This can improve the system’s filtering power against certain bacteria and viruses.
  • Adopt pollen exposure reduction practices – These are things you should do inside and out of the house to reduce your exposure to pollen and irritants. Be mindful of vehicle parking, disposal of vacuumed waste, and pet grooming. You should also clean parts of the house more frequently that are regularly exposed to pollen.

Let Us Improve Air Quality in your Home

The increased amount of pollen should not keep you from enjoying the beautiful St. Louis spring weather. With proper preparation and use of professional HVAC services, you can improve air quality in your home and breathe easy. To learn more, contact one of our heating & air conditioning professionals today!

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