Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

Improve Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

Many businesses in St. Louis have experienced growth over the years, and their office spaces have expanded to keep up. With bustling companies comes the necessity for high indoor air quality in office buildings, as poor air quality at work affects employee productivity and overall health.

While many business owners and office managers think that having a high-performance HVAC system is enough to provide decent air quality in the office, it must be considered that many other factors affect air quality, and sometimes the HVAC system isn’t enough.

Indeed, indoor air quality in office buildings should be a priority for everyone, and there are a few things that can be done to make sure everything is operating at its best.

If you would like more information about improving indoor air quality in your office building, contact the St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today!

What Can You Do to Promote Indoor Air Quality in the Office Building?

Among other things, a tenant or business should have a good working relationship with their office or building manager. This goes a long way toward resolving concerns over the indoor air quality in office buildings where their employees work.

Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Some things that tenants and building managers should consider to ensure good office air quality include:

  • Compliance with Guidelines – Tenants should receive guidelines that cover everything about the office space including indoor air quality in office buildings. They should make sure to meet everything laid out in the presented guidelines, including monitoring anything their employees may be doing that can have a negative effect.
  • Strategic Positioning – All office partitions and furniture should be placed in positions that will allow the HVAC system to perform as it is intended. Wall vents should not be blocked, and heat-producing equipment such as computers should be placed away from areas containing any HVAC sensors, so as not to provoke an incorrect temperature reading. These considerations are easy steps towards improving indoor air quality and comfort in the office building.
  • Regular HVAC Maintenance – Regular HVAC maintenance ensures healthier indoor air quality as these checks can confirm the system is working at peak efficiency, and the filters are also doing their job.
  • No Smoking – We are all aware of the health risks of smoking and the effects of second-hand smoke on an office building’s indoor air quality. However, another aspect to consider with the benefits of a ‘No Smoking’ policy is that nicotine-stained ventilation systems and furnishings are expensive to clean.
  • Proper Cleaning – If the building uses an external cleaning company, the building manager can encourage that they use cleaning chemicals that don’t contain irritants. Also, ensure that their vacuum equipment has the correct filters fitted to trap dust rather than making it airborne. Though offices are typically cleaned in the evenings, odors and irritants can remain and affect the indoor air quality in office buildings many hours later.
  • Pest Control – Similar considerations should be made for pest control. Office buildings can regularly attract unwanted pests such as cockroaches, rodents, and other insects, and their dropping can have devastating effects. If these areas are not cleaned correctly, disease and illness can quickly spread, and the indoor air quality in office buildings can deteriorate considerably. However, pesticides themselves can also be a hindrance to good indoor air quality in the office, so discuss the best alternatives with your pest control company to minimize airborne pollutants.
  • Careful Construction Planning – Another tip to maintaining good indoor air quality in office buildings relates to any construction work in the building. During all construction and renovation projects, any open areas should be sealed off to ensure no dust or debris can enter into the HVAC ducting system. Additionally, any building materials that arrive in plastic sheeting should be unpacked outside and to allow any fumes to disperse before use.

Learn More About How We Can Help Maximize the Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

If you would like to learn more about improving indoor air quality in your office, contact the heating & air conditioning at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today. We have assisted many St. Louis office buildings over the years and know the ins and outs of commercial HVAC systems. To make sure your system is running at peak efficiency or if you have concerns about any potential problems, our experts can give your system a thorough check and provide you with a full detailed report.

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