The Importance of Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms

This past year has opened many eyes to the importance of indoor air quality in classrooms. Covid-19 has forced us all to change our habits and routines, and schools have had to adapt to new safety measures that improve air quality in classrooms. Our students deserve to feel safe and happy while they are at school, which is why we think school districts should prioritize indoor air quality in classrooms. Thankfully, there some simple steps schools can take to boost their indoor air quality, thereby boosting the health of students.

Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms

At Galmiche & Sons, we think indoor air quality in classrooms is vital to a successful education. Our heating and air conditioning experts are here to help with any questions you may have. Give us a call today at 314-993-1110.

A Few Steps Toward Improved Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms

Schools are very busy places, which means it can be difficult to keep toxins and pollutants out of the air. The air conditioner units in schools can often contribute greatly to the spreading of adverse health effects. On average, students in America spend somewhere around 1,000 hours in a classroom each year. This means that indoor air quality in classrooms is of the utmost importance.

Here are a few easy tips for improving the air quality in your classrooms:

  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals – While a chemistry class might have some nasty chemicals in it, that doesn’t mean they should be in the air! Many commercial strength cleaners contain strong chemicals that people can be sensitive or allergic to. Be sure to read the label of disinfectant or other cleaning agents before using in a classroom.
  • Clean Out Ducts – Air ducts in a school’s HVAC system can often suffer from the build-up of dust and debris. This can directly contribute to reduced indoor air quality in classrooms. Using a specially designed vacuum, such as a HEPA vacuum, is a great way to clean up ducts. Using a negative air machine in conjunction with your vacuum is very effective at eliminating these irritants.
  • Eliminate Mold – Over time, mold can accumulate in the ventilation system of a school’s HVAC unit. This can have an adverse effect on pupil health. Cleaning the HVAC system and changing filters regularly can help to to kill mold or mildew and directly boost the air quality in classrooms.

Why Air Quality in Schools is So Important

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms

While persistence of the pandemic has brought air quality to the forefront of many people’s minds, student performance is also closely linked to good air quality. Focus, health, and performance can all be directly affected by air quality.

Indoor Air Quality in Classrooms is Our Top Priority

At Galmiche & Sons, we are a heating and air conditioning company that cares about the health and safety of our community’s young people. To learn more about how your HVAC system can help improve classroom air quality and schedule an appointment, call us at 314-993-1110.

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