Best House Plants to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Improve Indoor Air Quality with House Plants

When it comes to pollution and air quality, it would be easy to assume that only outdoor air is a cause for concern. However, indoor air contains pollutants as well that can come from a variety of sources. Additionally, because the stagnant air indoors allows a build-up of pollutants, indoor air can potentially be more harmful than outdoor air. Improving indoor air quality is necessary for any household to remain healthy. There are a couple of ways to do so and one of the most effective ones is using houseplants that improve the quality of indoor air.

Galmiche & Sons is an HVAC company that has been serving the residents of St. Louis for many years. Our vast experience in the HVAC industry places us in a good position to take care of all your heating & air conditioning needs. From helping improve indoor air quality to repairing your HVAC system, simply reach us at 314-993-1110 to schedule your appointment.

What House Plants Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Many indoor air pollutants come from the everyday products that we use in the home, making it almost impossible to do away with them entirely. However, houseplants can play an important role to help to get rid of these pollutants and provide cleaner, healthier air.

House Plants to Improve Indoor Air Quality

There are so many houseplants that you can use to improve the quality of your indoor air. Here are a few of them:

  • Garden Mum: Besides improving your indoor air quality, this popular houseplant adds an aesthetic appeal. Garden Mum is quite inexpensive and can be easily found in a garden store. The purifying plant helps to get rid of ammonia, benzene, and xylene pollutants.
  • Boston Fern: The Boston fern plant helps in improving the indoor air quality when planted in a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. The plants grow easily although it is important that they are kept moist. They help to remove formaldehyde and xylene pollutants.
  • English Ivy: Climbing plants make for great decorations when used indoors. The English Ivy allows you to do just that. The plant will certainly wow your living spaces while improving the quality of indoor air. They are quite easy to take care of, only requiring some watering and misting during winter.
  • Golden Pothos: If you are like the many who have zero experience in indoor gardening, the Golden Pothos is a great plant to start with. These sturdy plants will improve the quality of your indoor air without requiring much effort from you. It can easily handle overwatering as well as some neglect.
  • Aloe Vera: What better way to improve the quality of your indoor air than to use a multi-purpose plant? Aloe Vera is a common houseplant which, unbeknownst to many, can help get rid of the indoor air pollutants. Aloe can also be used to treat minor cuts and burns, making it an ideal addition in any kitchen.

Learn More About Improving Indoor Air Quality in Your St. Louis Home

If using houseplants to improve indoor air does not appeal to you or if you are looking for additional ways to improve indoor air quality even more, there are other ways through which you can improve the quality of your indoor air. This includes through the use of air purifiers, electronic air cleaners, and other similar filters and devices. If you would like more tips and help selecting the best purifiter, get in touch with us by calling 314-993-1110. We will be happy to answer all your heating & air conditioning questions.

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