Home Heating Questions Answered

Home Heating Questions & Answers

As a leading heating and cooling company serving the St. Louis area since 1950, answering your home heating questions is important to us. We want you to be well informed when it comes to your HVAC system because the more you know the better you will take care of your system. The better you take care of your system, the more efficient it will run, and that saves you time and money.

This FAQ page provides answers to some of the most common home heating questions, but please contact us for any more information or to get answers to your specific heating & air conditioning questions!

Frequently Asked Home Heating Questions

Home Heating Question 1: How can I increase my furnace’s efficiency?

There are several steps you can take to ensure that your furnace is operating a peak efficiency to heat your home:

  1. Have the right size heating system. One too big and it will cycle on and off too frequently; one too small and it will run constantly.
  2. Replace or clean filters frequently.
  3. Set the blower to the “auto” position, which allows for better and more efficient air flow.
  4. Install shades, shutters, or heavy drapes on your windows to help reduce heat loss.

Home Heating Question 2: At what temperature should I set my thermostat for winter months?

We recommend 68 to 71°F when you are at home and not sleeping. 68°F will keep you comfortable if you are moving around, but depending on your body temperature, it can be a bit chilly if you are sedentary.

We recommend 62°F when you are not home and for bedtime temps. Most people sleep better in a cooler environment, so dropping the temperature to 62°F at night will help you get a better night’s rest. It will also save energy which will save you money!

Home Heating Question 3: What is the deal with programmable thermostats?

Home Heating Questions | St. Louis HVAC Tips

We love this home heating question because technology has advanced so much in recent years. Programmable thermostats are more efficient and accurate than the mercury-based thermostats installed back in the day. Programmable thermostats let you set the temperature based on days of the weeks and times of the day. You do not have to worry about coming home to a cold house after work and waiting for it to get warm or get out of your warm, comfy bed to a freezing cold room. You will be comfortable all day, every day!

Home Heating Question 4: Does my furnace need regular maintenance?

This is perhaps the most common home heating question and one of the most important. Yes, your HVAC system really does need regular maintenance. Regular checkups can catch and address minor problems before they become major and costly repairs, extend the life of your system, increase efficiency, and ensure the air quality in your home is the best it can be.

Home Heating Question 5: What are ways to reduce my energy costs?

While there are many things that you can do to save money on heating bills, some simple steps you can follow include:

  1. Take advantage of direct sunlight – When the sun is out, open your curtains and you may be able to gain about 5 degrees.
  2. Use supplemental heating – Build a fire and take advantage of this natural heat source. Or utilize space heaters throughout your home to increase warmth in certain areas as needed.
  3. Use a whole home humidifier – Have you noticed in summer that when the air is humid it feels warmer? The same holds true for temperatures in the winter. Using a whole home humidifier will allow you to set your furnace to a lower temperature while still achieving maximum warmth and comfort.

Call us in St. Louis with More Home Heating Questions

If you have more home heating questions or specific questions about your heating & air conditioning system, we have the answers! Call us today or contact us online to learn more.

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