Then vs. Now: New Furnace Technology

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While the humble furnace may seem like a simple machine compared to some of the world’s modern marvels, today’s furnace technology is impressive. From high tech additions that let you program a lot more into your furnace, to simple upgrades you might not even notice — furnace technology has come a long way.

From the days of the wood stove, the trusty furnace has been central to keeping a home comfortable and livable. Things are certainly a lot more complicated now than they were when furnace technology got started. Next time you need heating & air conditioning work done, be sure to ask about the latest furnace technology available. There are new advances being developed all the time, and by keeping up with the trends, you can make sure you get the best quality and function out of your furnace.

Furnace Technology Today

A lot of new furnace technology is focused in the area of improving energy efficiency, which helps with both cost reduction and creating a greener impact. This is one reason why it is often worth investing in new, more energy efficient furnaces. You might pay more up front, but they do a much better job of keeping costs in control. Plus, you get the added comfort that comes with more regulated air flow and greater control.

Delayed Air Flow

One big advancement in modern furnace technology is the invention of the blower delay. It used to be that when you started a furnace up, the fans turned on at the same time as the heat. That meant that unheated air got pushed out first, giving you an uncomfortable burst of cold air while things got going. Modern furnace technology though gives you the option to use a blower delay, which allows your ducts to heat before the air gets moving.

Variable Speed Furnace Technology

Somewhat similar to delayed blowers, a variable speed furnace allows the furnace to change the speed of the fans as needed. That means small adjustments are easier to make and the overall function of the furnace is smoothed. Many energy efficient furnaces have technology like this, which allows them to save energy as the room heats and helps address hot and cold spots in the home as well.

Improved Peace and Quiet

Furnace Technology | Buy a Furnace in St. Louis

Sometimes it is the things you don’t notice that matter the most. The lack of sound, for instance, from your newer and quieter furnace, is one of the best sounds out there. There are a lot of factors that go into how loud your HVAC system is. Some furnaces run loudly because they are working harder than they really have the capacity for. Sometimes it is a matter of cleaning filters and other components to keep things running smoothly.

An upgrade can do a lot when it comes to noise reduction though. First, a more efficient furnace will simply use less power less often to get the same job done. That is less noise and a shorter run time right away. Many new, upgraded furnaces also feature more programmable options, turning off whenever they are not needed and only running as hard as necessary to ensure comfort while reducing noise.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Your Furnace Installation Needs in St. Louis

Chances are if you are reading blogs about furnace technology, it is because you are in the market for a new furnace. In St. Louis, give Galmiche & Sons a call, and we’ll be happy to discuss whatever your heating & air conditioning needs may be! We can also schedule an appointment to help you learn which HVAC system is best for your needs and to provide a furnace installation quote.

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