Change Your Air Filter: One Step to Breathing Easier with Allergies

Change Your Air Filter for Allergy Prevention

If you suffer from airborne allergens, like mold, dust, and pollen, one way to improve your allergies easily is to make sure you replace the air filters in your HVAC system often enough. In fact, if you are really feeling the allergies, it is a good idea to go ahead and replace the filter right away.

It is an easy process that you can do yourself, or have done by your local HVAC professional. For those with severe allergies, it might be a good idea to have someone else actually replace the filter, as the old one will be full of allergens and the process tends to kick up a little dust. To learn more about filter replacement and any other heating & air conditioning service needs, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons today.

What Does An Air Filter Do?

Air filters are an important part of your HVAC system. These filters are placed in your heating & cooling system, where the air is forced through them before being redistributed around your home. Different filters are rated for effectiveness against common allergens like pollen and pet dander, but even your most basic filter will help by removing irritants from the air. This is especially important for those allergic to dust, as no amount of cleaning or care can eliminate all of the dust in your home.

How Frequently Should I Change My Air Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter

For most people, we recommend changing your air filter at least once a year. Spring is a good time to do this, as it is easy maintenance that will put you in a good position for heavy air conditioner use in the summer. It is also a great time to change filters for those who suffer from seasonal allergies that act up in the spring. Outfitting your HVAC system with a new filter at the beginning of allergy season allows your filter to remove the most allergens from your home. If you have severe allergies though, it is worth replacing your filter even more often than that, perhaps twice a year in the spring and fall or even as much as once a month for those with heavy HVAC use.

Choosing the Right Filter

There are a few different kinds of air filters to choose from that have varying degrees of effectiveness against allergens. Filters are rated according to what is called a MERV rating, or minimum efficiency reporting value, that can range from 1 to 16. A higher MERV rating means the filter will catch even the smallest irritants and keep you protected from allergens the best. The common range for residential filters is between 5 and 12, and allergy sufferers should look for a rating of 8 or higher for the best protection.

There are also filters called HEPA filters, or high efficiency particulate air filters, which are even more powerful. These are a bit more expensive however, and most allergy sufferers get the relief they need from standard air filters with a high enough MERV rating.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Find Out More About Air Filters

To learn more, or schedule a heating & air conditioning maintenance check and air filter replacement for your St. Louis area home, get in touch with the HVAC experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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