Busting Common Air Conditioning Myths

When it comes to air conditioning, there are a lot of misconceptions and air conditioning myths out there. It is not uncommon to hear someone say that an air conditioner needs to rest after a certain number of hours. Or that you shouldn’t use it when you are not home because it will waste energy.

So how much truth is there in these statements? In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common myths about air conditioning and let you know whether they hold any truth or not.

Busting Common Air Conditioning Myths

To learn more about these air conditioning myths and to schedule professional heating and cooling maintenance to keep your system running its best, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis.

Top Air Conditioning Myths and Truths

Myth: Leaving your AC on all day can damage your unit over time.

Truth: It is totally safe to keep your air conditioner running all-day.

One of the common air conditioning myths is that leaving the unit on for the entire day will damage the unit or cause its components to melt. In fact, shutting your AC on and then off every few hours may actually do more harm. This means that your unit will need to work harder to cool a hot space, rather than simply maintaining the temperature, which can cause more wear and tear on the unit over time.

If you have an older AC unit or one that has not been serviced for a long time, it can consume more power during heat waves, especially if you are trying to cool a hot space. An inefficient AC unit is also more likely to trip your circuit breaker and cause your energy bills to rise up.

Myth: To achieve quick cooling, the thermostat setting should be lowered.

Truth: Your AC will cool your home at the same rate regardless of the thermostat setting.

Among the widely believed air conditioning myths is that keeping your thermostat lower for a few hours at a time can quickly cool down your house.

But this is not true, especially in the summer. In fact, lowering the thermostat too much can actually damage your air conditioner, because the AC has to work harder and longer to cool your house. The only way to cool your home more quickly is by using fans to help circulate air.

Myth: Air conditioners remove humidity.

The Facts About Air Conditioning Myths

Truth: AC units decrease humidity through condensation.

While it is true that air conditioners can reduce humidity, they do not actually remove it. Air conditioners remove moisture from the air through condensation. Humidity comes from water vapor in the air, so as the air is cooled, the water molecules condense on indoor AC coils and are expelled via the drainage hose. As a result, humidity decreases.

Myth: Your AC does not need servicing if it is working fine.

Truth: Your AC needs regular preventive maintenance to stay efficient.

A common myth about air conditioning is that if your AC is working and you have no complaints, it doesn’t need servicing. This is not true. Even if your unit is not making any noise or is running at full speed, it still needs to be serviced regularly to avoid costly repairs down the line.

Whether it is a loose connection or something more serious like a broken compressor, having your air conditioning system serviced regularly is the best way to ensure that it stays efficient.

Call the HVAC Experts at Galmiche & Sons for Preventive AC Maintenance

If you are unsure about when to get your AC serviced or want to learn more about heating and cooling maintenance and repair to keep your system running efficiently, get in touch with us at Galmiche & Sons. We offer expert air conditioning servicing and specialty air conditioning services such as air conditioning sizing, installation, and preventive maintenance.

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