Recognizing Common Asthma Attack Triggers in Your HVAC System

If you or someone you love is living with asthma, it can be hard to keep track of all the different asthma attack triggers to look out for. To make it worse, every person experiences somewhat different asthma attack triggers. So what might work for one person’s asthma may not be as effective on everyone else. Thankfully, there is a lot you can do to make your HVAC system safe for asthma by understanding the common asthma attack triggers that can come from your heating & air conditioning system.

Common Asthma Attack Triggers in Your HVAC System

Common HVAC Asthma Attack Triggers

Among the most common asthma attack triggers are pet dander, pollen, dust, and mold. All of these show up in HVAC systems and, depending on how you maintain your HVAC system, it might be spreading these dangerous asthma attack triggers throughout your home. These particles are not just a problem for asthma sufferers though, they are unhealthy in large amounts for anyone and, if left to build up, they can damage your HVAC system too. So, for all these reasons, you should make sure your HVAC system is up to the job and is not spreading airborne particles throughout your home.

If you are specifically concerned about asthma attack triggers, you should look out for less common sources of indoor air pollution as well. Cleaning agents that release volatile particles into the air are one thing to avoid. Fireplaces and wood-burning stoves can also create problems for people with asthma. Finally, humidity can play a big role. More humid air holds onto more particles, so too much humidity in the air can exacerbate asthma attack triggers in the home.

Making Your HVAC Safe for Asthma Suffers

Asthma Attack Triggers in HVAC System

The first thing to do is to make sure your HVAC air filter is replaced regularly. For those worried about asthma attack triggers, replacing the filter once a month is not a bad idea. You could also move up to a higher level filter. Air filters are given a “MERV” rating up to 20, and most commercially available filters are rated between 10 and 16. Getting a higher rated filter will help you combat asthma attack triggers. The highest rated filters are called HEPA filters, which stands for High Efficiency Particular Air filters, and they remove more than 99% of all particulate matter in the air. They are going to be a bit more expensive than your average air filter, but they do work.

For a more serious solution, you can consider adding air purifiers or UV lamps to your ducts. UV light disinfects the air by killing mold spores, along with viruses and bacteria. This is a good idea if you are sensitive to mold in particular. Finally, in order to get asthma attack triggers under control, you may need to replace your duct system entirely. Ducts can be cleaned, but after enough use, it’s a better idea to just replace them entirely.

For Help Resolving Asthma Attack Triggers in Your Home, Contact Galmiche & Sons

To learn more about UV air purification, duct cleaning, and duct replacement, and to learn about the possible systems and options available for your St. Louis home, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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