Air Conditioning Dangers & Cautions: What You Should Never Do

Air Conditioning Dangers & Cautions

While your air conditioner is built to stand up to a lot of heavy use, there are still limits to what it can take. Overworking or improperly using your air conditioner can expose you to air conditioning dangers like compressor failures or short circuits.

Avoiding these common dangers is easy if you just follow a few quick guidelines. Of course, one of the biggest air conditioning dangers to avoid is trying to ignore a big problem or handle it yourself. If you notice your air conditioning acting strangely, making loud noises, or otherwise malfunctioning, get in touch with your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons right away.

Avoid Damage & Overuse

Perhaps the biggest way to avoid common air conditioning dangers and prevent air conditioner breakdowns is to limit the use of your air conditioner. This does not mean you shouldn’t use this amenity to your comfort, but it does mean you shouldn’t, for instance, turn down the thermostat all the way to get the AC to run continuously. If you are having issues with your AC reaching a target temperature, call your service team to have the problem investigated. Maxing out the thermostat instead will just cause more problems down the line. Similarly, running the unit with windows open can expose your air conditioning to the dangers of overuse.

Another common cause of damage is the lack of sufficient airflow. Your AC needs constant clear airflow to work properly, so blocking vents or closing the dampers can cause issues for your air conditioning unit. In fact, issues with uneven cooling and slow response times often have to do with airflow blockages. Such blockages can also be caused by a dirty air filter, so make sure you replace your air filter often to avoid the air conditioning dangers that come with blocked airflow.

Air Conditioning Dangers You Should Never Neglect

How To Avoid Air Conditioning Dangers

Perhaps most importantly, one of the best ways to keep yourself safe from common air conditioning dangers is to look out for strange HVAC sounds and other signs of malfunction and have those checked out right away.

In particular, it is common for the condensate drain to clog at some point in your air conditioner’s life. While this is easy to rectify, leaving a drain clogged can lead to flooding in your home and will stop your AC from functioning at full capacity. If you see water in the condensate drain pan, there is a good chance you have a clog as water should drain almost immediately when the AC is working properly.

Finally, if you notice frayed wires anywhere on the AC unit, it is time to call the heating & air conditioning professionals and have that fixed. Exposed wires are, of course, an electrocution risk, and this can also cause a fire. So, during regular maintenance make sure your technician checks the wiring to avoid these AC dangers.

Learn More About Dealing With Air Conditioning Dangers

For more information or to get help with air conditioning dangers in your home, connect with Galmiche & Sons, today! We are your local St. Louis heating & air conditioning professionals, ready to help with all your HVAC needs.

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