Air Conditioner Losing Its Cool? It Might be Time for Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

Benefits of Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

When your air conditioner starts to slow down, or lose some of its cooling power, there are a lot of potential issues that might be responsible. From dirty air filters to leaks in your ductwork, many things can cause your AC to slow down. One thing that many do not consider is that you might need air conditioner coil cleaning.

Just like any part of your HVAC system, air conditioner coils need cleaning every once in a while to remove dust and other buildup. Without it they will not work as well, and you will lose both comfort and energy efficiency. To avoid overlooking this and other potential issues with buildup, one of the best energy saving tips is to have your whole HVAC system checked at the beginning of the summer and in the fall. Your heating & air conditioning service team can spot issues before you get into heavy use seasons, and also perform any cleaning that might need to be done.

What Are Air Conditioner Coils?

Air conditioner coil cleaning is an important part of this regular maintenance, though it is not necessary quite as often as air filter replacement and other more common maintenance tasks. When air conditioner coils need cleaning, though, it can have a big impact on the function and efficiency of your air conditioner.

There are two coils of vital importance to your air conditioner: the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. The evaporator coil, which is in the indoor unit of your AC, absorbs heat from your space. Then, the condenser coil releases this heat outside, cooling your home. When these aren’t working correctly, your AC will have a lot of trouble cooling your home.

The Importance of Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

Even 1/100th of one inch of dust and dirt on your air conditioner coils can reduce energy efficiency by as much as 5%. This is part of why regular air conditioner servicing is so important. It can be easy to miss this common issue, but skipping air conditioner coil cleaning can really increase your energy bills. Over time, these issues can even cause damage to your HVAC system. You should consider air conditioner coil cleaning as a potential solution to low air flow and trouble cooling, and ask your HVAC team to check on your air conditioner coils.

Why You Need Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

Preventing Dust and Other Buildup

Even if you are not noticing any issues yet, an air conditioner coil cleaning might be a good idea. It is always better to get out ahead of a potential problem than to deal with the discomfort and loss of efficiency once buildup gets bad enough.

You can also take measures to reduce the amount of dust and buildup in your home in the meantime. Keeping doors and windows shut when you are using the AC is one way to do this. Similarly, you want to make sure debris is moved away from your outdoor AC unit, especially leaves and other plant matter than can accumulate in your yard. Even with these measures though, you will need air conditioner coil cleaning every once in a while, and Galmiche & Sons can do this as part of a regular maintenance visit.

Contact Us for More on Air Conditioner Coil Cleaning

If you would like more information on air conditioner coil cleaning, or would like to schedule an appointment for any of our St. Louis heating & air conditioning services, please connect with us today!

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