3 Tips for Managing Commercial Air Conditioning Costs

Commercial Air Conditioning & Energy Efficiency

Heating and cooling often account for a large percentage of your operating expenses. However, there are some important things that you can do to manage your commercial air conditioning costs. For example, when the correct equipment and consistent maintenance are combined with weatherization of your property, energy costs can not only be controlled, but can also be reduced. See our tips for managing commercial air conditioning costs below to help you save on your energy costs this year.

If you would like to learn more or want to schedule a heating and air conditioning service appointment, call us in St. Louis at (314) 993-1110 or contact us online.

Consider These Basic Tips for Controlling Your Commercial Air Conditioning Costs

Spend Wisely from the Start

Heating and air conditioning costs will account for a big part of your business expenditures no matter what. However, a bit of planning now can end up saving you big. When purchasing a new HVAC system, take a long-term view so that you choose an AC unit that will pay for itself in savings through the years.

Take Small Steps to Save Big

Reduce Commercial Air Conditioning Costs

Be wise in your use of commercial air conditioning and heating equipment.

  • A programmable thermostat and humidity control can help a lot with commercial air conditioning costs.
  • In laying out your workspaces, remember that furniture and curtains can block air flow and reduce efficiency.
  • Sunlight can significantly add heat to a space, so use shades to block sun so that your air conditioning system does not have to work quite so hard. Also, planting deciduous trees around your building and windows can help shade windows during hotter months.
  • Adjust the temperature on thermostats when work spaces are not being used.
  • Work with staff members and your commercial HVAC professional to keep equipment and air vents clean.
  • Do not place lamps or other electronic equipment near thermostats to avoid adding to heat in the surrounding air.

Contact a Trusted HVAC Company

While there are a lot of things you can do yourself to reduce commercial air conditioning costs. There are some additional steps that a professional heating and cooling company can provide to help you save even more. For example, ensure that your system is operating efficiently by detecting and addressing leaks. HVAC professionals can recommend additional caulking and weather stripping around windows and doors, and reduce air leaks in ductwork and around vents.

Proper maintenance will also ensure your system is operating at peak levels. This includes regular professional HVAC maintenance checks, repairs, and cleaning as needed as well as changing equipment filters consistently.

To learn more about what you can do to control your commercial air conditioning costs, call the experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today at (314) 993-1110 or use our online contact to learn more about our quality commercial heating and air conditioning services.

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