How to Keep Your Air Conditioner Healthy this Summer

How to Keep Your Air Conditioner Healthy this Summer

Summers in St. Louis seem to keep getting hotter and hotter, most of us are wondering how we will get through it. Sure, you have your trusty air conditioner to depend on for your cooling needs. But what about the electricity bills? Won’t running your air conditioner consistently add to your energy bills significantly? Not if your AC unit is well maintained.

Read on for a list of easy ways to ensure your air conditioner’s operational efficiency this summer. Some of the solutions might require a professional’s help, but most of these tips are something you can do on your own.

To learn more or have our professionals help get your air conditioner running in peak performance, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons.

Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly This Summer

  • Clean the area around your outdoor unit: If you want your AC unit to work efficiently, you need to ensure that the area surrounding the outdoor unit is kept clean and clear. This is because the outdoor unit needs to work twice as hard when it is blocked by leaves, grass, shrubs, weeds, or any other kind of debris.
  • Add ductwork insulation: If the ductwork is exposed anywhere in the house, whether in the basement, garage, or utility room, this can make it difficult for your AC unit to circulate cool air efficiently. It is important to get the ductwork insulated by a trained professional. Over time, you will be able to see a huge difference in your electricity bills.
  • Add insulation to your walls and attic: It is common sense that your air conditioner would have to work twice as hard to cool a house that is not properly insulated. If you find that your energy bills are unusually high, consider upgrading the insulation in your walls and attic.
  • Clean indoor vents: The air conditioner vents are one of the most important components of your AC unit. If you want the cool air to flow freely throughout the house, it is important to ensure all indoor vents are cleaned and unobstructed. Make sure to remove any furniture or other impediments that might be blocking these vents, as well as wipe the vents clean regularly.
  • Have ceiling fans installed: Adding a ceiling fan to your room can be a great way to keep the cool air circulating. This will make your whole house feel cooler, even when you have not set the AC to its lowest temperature setting.
  • Avoid using incandescent bulbs and heat-producing appliances: If you have been using incandescent bulbs in your home, it may be a good idea to switch to LED bulbs, as they are more energy efficient and also produce lesser heat. Large appliances like dishwashers, ovens, and driers can also add to the heat inside the rooms, which adds more workload to the AC unit. Avoid using these appliances and lights during the hottest part of the day.
  • Get your AC unit serviced: The best way to ensure the efficiency of your AC unit is by getting timely tune-ups. In fact, try to schedule the air conditioner tune-up before the summer sets in, so avoid any emergency breakdowns in the peak of summer.

Ensure the Health of Your Air Conditioner with Galmiche & Sons

Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Smoothly This Summer

Ensuring the operational efficiency of your air conditioner doesn’t always require a lot of investment. With the simple tips given in this article, you can keep your AC unit in top working condition, while also ensuring lower energy bills.

If you are looking for an HVAC specialist in St. Louis, Galmiche & Sons is your answer. With more than 70 years of experience in the industry, the expert technicians from Galmiche & Sons can help you with your ductwork, repairs, AC unit servicing, and more. Contact us today at 314-993-1110 to know more.

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