Do Window Treatments Reduce HVAC Energy Costs?

Reduce HVAC Energy Costs

Now that the summer months are fast approaching, more and more people will be taking advantage of their cooling systems in order to combat the rising temperatures, resulting in higher energy costs. Air conditioners are a blessing during the scorching summer months, but you might feel differently once you see your utility bill. This is why you should do everything you can to make your house cooler in order to lessen your energy costs. One efficient way to do this is to put up window treatments throughout your house.

Window treatments were originally used mainly to decorate a house and maintain a home’s privacy. However, in recent years they have also become very effective at slashing energy costs, as they make a house cooler and lessen the load on a house’s cooling system.

Window Treatment Options to Reduce Your HVAC Energy Costs

Reduce HVAC Energy Costs with Window Treatments

Here are just a few window treatments you can use in your own home to cut down on your energy costs:

  • Blinds: Avoid cheap blinds that are made from aluminum or vinyl. Choose blinds that have cellular or honeycomb patterns as these are more effective at reducing energy costs by preventing the heat from seeping in.
  • Shades: A window shade is one piece of material that can be raised or lowered (as opposed to the series of slats that are found in blinds). Do not bother with ordinary shades; choose cellular shades for the best energy savings as these have been proven to be more efficient at reducing solar gain.
  • Drapes: Dressing your windows with heavy drapes is a great way to keep your home insulated and reduce energy costs. Use closed or open weave fabric, and hang the drapes as close to the window as possible. Make sure to seal the sides and the middle of the draperies to prevent heat and light from leaking in.
  • Awnings & Overhangs: If you want to prevent the heat but still want to keep the natural light streaming through your windows, refrain from using curtains and blinds and install awnings or roof overhangs instead. Not only do they serve as decorative accents on the exteriors of a home, they are also good at reducing solar heat gain, especially for west- and south-facing windows.
  • Reflective window films: A window film is made of a thin polyester film that reduces heat and glare, blocks harmful UV rays from reaching inside a home, and regulates indoor temperatures which in turn reduces energy costs needed to cool your home in the summer.

Lessen Your Energy Costs with the Help of Galmiche & Sons

If you are serious about reducing your energy costs this summer and saving on your cooling bills, take it one step further by hiring an HVAC company that can give you expert advice on house improvement projects designed to lower your energy costs. Galmiche & Sons is one of the leading HVAC companies in St. Louis, and we can definitely help you turn things around when it comes to your utility bills. From installing high efficiency air conditioners and heating systems to retrofitting your ducts, we can provide a complete solution to help you reduce energy costs related to your HVAC systems.

Call our heating and air conditioning experts today at 314-993-1110!

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