Troubleshooting Common AC Problems

Troubleshooting AC Problems

Learning how to troubleshoot common AC problems can save you money and ensure that your home remains comfortable in the sweltering St. Louis summer heat. Although many air conditioner repairs will have to be conducted by a St. Louis HVAC professional, there are some simple fixes that you can do to address common problems and keep your AC running.

Read on to learn some troubleshooting tips for common AC problems, and then call the heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis at 314-993-1110 for more help keeping your air conditioner running this summer.

Common Solutions to AC Problems

Common AC Problems & Solutions

  • Check for System Cleanliness: This is one of the simplest things that you can do to ensure that any potential problems with your AC are prevented. Common problem areas are the evaporator and condenser, so make sure these are cleaned periodically. Read your owner’s manual for other maintenance tasks you will need to perform or contact professionals for annual service and cleaning.
  • Check Your Air Filter: A dirty filter can cause AC problems and inefficiencies by preventing the free flow of air through the unit. If you have a central air conditioning unit, you should change the filter monthly, particularly if you have pets or the system is constantly running.
  • Inspect Window Seals: Check the window seals around your house. If there are leaky seals, warm air may be coming in from the outside, which can prevent the room from becoming cooled to a comfortable temperature. If you detect any leaks, you can simply seal them by using pieces of weather-stripping.
  • Consider Proper Appliance Placement: Avoid placing appliances too close to the thermostat. Appliances such as TVs and lamps give off heat which the thermostat that regulates your AC can sense, and which can cause the unit to run longer than required. This can not only cause AC problems with efficiency, but also increase your energy bills.
  • Check the Thermostat Setting: If your AC has a programmable thermostat, adjust it so that the temperature is at a comfortable level when the house is occupied, and a little higher when it is empty. You will also save 3% on the cost of running your AC for every degree you increase the temperature. Additionally, adjusting your thermostat warmer by five degrees can sometimes be an easy fix for some common AC problems, for example, if you notice that your air conditioner is not cooling as much as it should.
  • Consider Smart Use of Shades: Keeping your shades drawn in the heat of summer can keep heat from the sun’s rays from warming up your home. A window in direct sun may let in too much sunlight, particularly during the hottest times of the day. This can cause AC problems making your AC work harder so that it cannot cool your home to a comfortable level. If sunlight shines directly near your thermostat, the thermostat may also read the wrong temperature, affecting the efficiency of the AC.
  • Check for Compressor Obstruction: Make sure that there are no obstructions around the outdoor compressor. To ensure that there is adequate airflow, there should be at least two to three feet of empty space around the compressor. Clear this area of plants and other debris to avoid AC problems.

Have AC Problems in St. Louis? Call Galmiche & Sons!

The best way to prevent major HVAC problems is with regular maintenance and service. Ask your St. Louis HVAC technician to inspect the air conditioner once a year to detect potential AC problems before they become more serious. It is always best to have regular maintenance performed as the seasons change from hot to cold and vice versa. Contact the heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis with your AC problems today by calling 314-993-1110.

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